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Institution Profile

         elaide (pop.1.4 million) is a superbly well-planned city of   SCHOLASTIC OPTIONS AT ADELAIDE U
         wide streets and boulevards, neat public squares, parklands
         and a mixture of historic and modern buildings. The eco-  UoA’s three faculties offer 148 undergraduate and 87 post-
         nomic, cultural, political and social epicentre of the state,   graduate programmes. They include:
         this coastal city is ranked #12 worldwide in The Economist’s   Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.  Adelaide Medical
         Global Liveability Index 2022, and offers excellent social   School, Adelaide Dental School, Adelaide Nursing School,
         and recreational opportunities including cinemas and the-  School of Public Health, School of Psychology, School of
         atres, museums, art galleries, music, shopping, sailing and   Allied Health Science and Practice, School of Biomedicine
         windsurfing on its 60-km long coastline, hiking excursions   and Adelaide Rural Clinical School.
         and exploration of wineries on peripheries of the city.   Faculty of Sciences, Engineering, and Technology. Centre for
           Public transport infrastructure within the city is excel-  STEM Education and Innovation, School of Agriculture,
         lent, convenient and inexpensive and the climate is Medi-  Food, and Wine, School of Animal and Veterinary Scienc-
         terranean with warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters.   es, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, School
         Average temperature varies between 25 C-35 C in summer   of Biological Sciences, School of Chemical Engineering,
         and 10 C-15 C in winter.                           School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, School of
         Campus facilities. UoA hosts four campuses — North Terrace,   Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, School of Physics,
         Roseworthy, Waite and Melbourne. The main North Ter-  Chemistry, and Earth Sciences.
         race campus is sited in the heart of Adelaide, within walk-  Faculty of Arts, Business, Law, and Economics. Adelaide Busi-
         ing distance of the Art Gallery of South Australia and State   ness School, Adelaide Law School, Elder Conservatorium
         Library of South Australia, and offers a mix of historical and   of Music, School of Humanities, School of Education,
         contemporary architecture combining old sandstone build-  School of Social Sciences, School of Economics and Pub-
         ings with state-of-the-art teaching, learning and research   lic Policy and The National Centre for Aboriginal Language
         facilities. This campus is the hub of undergrad studies and   and Music Studies.
         research centres.                                  Tuition fees (per year): AUD 39,500-56,000
           The Waite campus is sited within a seven kilometre ra-  Living expenses (incl. accommodation): AUD 8,750-13,550
         dius from North Terrace and hosts the university’s Urrbrae   1 AUD$ = INR 55.6
         House Historic Precinct, Waite Arboretum, Waite Conser-
         vation Reserve and Waite Research Institute. This campus
         is Oz’s pre-eminent plant and agricultural science research   provide proof of English language proficiency (minimum
         hub providing high quality research facilities for farming   IELTS score 6.5-7.0 or TOEFL score 79-94). Students who
         systems, viticulture and oenology, food science and nutri-  don’t meet admission eligibility criteria can enrol in the
         tion.                                            varsity’s foundation studies programme.
           The Roseworthy campus, sited 50 km from Adelaide,   For further information, contact +61 8 8313 7335 or
         hosts South Australia’s sole veterinary school and also fo-  1800 407 527 (Toll free), email or
         cuses on research in drylands agriculture. Further afield   visit
         in the state of Victoria, the Melbourne campus within the   Accommodation. Housing options include University of Ad-
         Docklands Campus offers undergrad and postgrad pro-  elaide Village, Mattanya Student Residents and Rosewor-
         grammes in commerce, finance and information technolo-  thy Residential Colleges. The village is located five minutes
         gy. In addition, UoA also operates several research facilities   from Adelaide’s central business district and Chinatown
         at Thebarton, a suburb of Adelaide, and an international   precinct, and provides fully furnished five-bedroom town-
         campus in Singapore — the Ngee Ann-Adelaide Education   houses and four-bedroom apartments.
         Centre, which offers postgrad and research degree pro-  Located in the suburbs, Mattanya offers residential fa-
         grammes.                                         cilities for students from four varsities. Students are allo-
           Inevitably in sports and games-loving Oz, all campuses    cated a single room within four-or five-bedroom residences
         have excellent sports and recreation facilities. Over 70 clubs   equipped with shared furnished kitchen, air-conditioned
         offer a gamut of extra-curricular options, with the extensive   living room and car parking. Roseworthy Residential Col-
         scenic parklands bordering the university campus ideal for   leges offer rooms, common kitchens, and laundry facilities.
         walks and cycling.                                  Apart from university managed accommodation, other
         Admission.  UoA  recognises  the  class  XII  Indian  School   housing options include private rented apartments and
         Certificate (ISC) awarded by CISCE and All India Senior   dormitory options.
         Secondary Certificate (CBSE), and class XII certifications   Degree programmes. The university’s three faculties — Scienc-
         awarded by the Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,   es, Engineering, and Technology; Arts, Business, Law, and
         Tamil Nadu and Telangana state boards, for admission into   Economics and Health and Medical Sciences — offer a range
         its undergraduate programmes. Minimum average score   of undergrad, postgraduate and research programmes.
         required  is  68-78  percent.  Moreover,  students  need  to                    RESHMA RAVISHANKER

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