Page 35 - EW July 2024
P. 35

Young Achievers

                                                    ward,” says Team Think   The Life Spell Bee National
                                                    spokesperson Ankush    English language spelling competi-
                                                    Yadav.                 tion (estb.2011) is an initiative of the
                                                      Kavach was inspired   Mumbai-based SBI Life Insurance
                                                    by the World Bank’s    and Radio Mirchi, a network of 76
                                                    Climate Investment     FM radio stations.
                                                    Opportunities in India’s   “I am delighted that my hard
                                                    Cooling Sector Report   work of poring over guidebooks and
                                                    2022. It warned that   dictionaries has paid off. I am very
                                                    India could face unbear-  grateful to my parents, my little
                                                    able heat waves challeng-  sister Myra and school for constantly
                                                    ing human survival if it   encouraging me,” says this gritty
                                                    misses UN Sustainable   class IX student of the CISCE-af-
                                                    Development Goals      filiated Bombay Scottish School,
                                                    targets. “Kavach is a vest   Mahim, and elder of two children of
                                                    engineered to regulate   banker Naveed Siddiqui and home-
              TEAM THINK                  body temperature, ensuring pro-  maker Sujata.
                                          longed comfort in hot and cold
                                                                             Rayaan’s interest in expanding his
                                          environments. By utilising advanced   vocabulary and etymology dates back
              eam Think — comprising      semiconductor technology, our prod-  to the time when he registered for his
              Mukkabir Rahman, a class    uct eliminates limitations of tradi-  first SBI Life Spelling Bee competi-
         TXII student of Pragya Acad-     tional cooling and heating,” explains   tion in school at age six. Although he
         emy, Ankush Yadav, a student     Mukkabir.                        was routinely selected to participate
         of IIT-Kanpur, and Varsha K.J, a   Team Think has ambitious plans   in the SBI Life Spelling Bee compe-
         student pursuing chartered accoun-  for the future. “We intend to com-  tition every year, he failed to win.
         tancy, all from Assam’s Golaghat   mercialise kavach to enable afford-  “Nevertheless intra school competi-
         district — was adjudged a winner of   able cooling and address the needs   tions developed my self-confidence
         Solve for Tomorrow (SFT) 2023, a   of the millions obliged to toil in   and capability to manage stage
         CSR (corporate social responsibil-  extreme climatic conditions without   pressure. Moreover, I am an avid
         ity) initiative of Samsung (India).   adequate protection. Beyond this   reader blessed with a good memory.
           Their innovation ‘Kavach’ (shield   initiative, our intention is to estab-  Whenever I come across a new word,
         in Hindi), a lightweight, affordable   lish our own innovation hub,” says   I make a mental note of its spelling.
         and wearable cooling device that   Varsha.                        I analyse the word phonetically and
         prevents people from experiencing   Urgently required to end In-  try to connect it with etymology,” he
         extreme heat or cold, was adjudged   dia’s prolonged inventions drought   adds. Ironically Rayaan’s favourite
         one of three winner inventions. At   (see https://www.educationworld.  subject is math, “I prefer to spend
         a grand finale staged in New Delhi   in/indias-prolonged-inventions-  my time solving math problems.”
         last October, the Top 3 teams re-  drought/).                       Looking ahead, Rayaan wishes to
         ceived grants of Rs.1.5 crore each.      Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)  intensify his participation in spelling
           Samsung’s national innovation                                   competitions which he believes will
         competition attracted participation                               boost his grades in the board exams.
         from more than 70,000 students        RAYAAN NAVEED               “Although I love reading and English
         in the 16-22 years age group. They                                literature, after completing my Plus
         showcased their inventions to solve                               Two, my goal is to enrol in a top-
         extant global problems in the Edu-      umbai-based Rayaan        ranked university abroad to study
         cation & Learning, Environment &        Naveed Siddiqui (13) is the   science,” says this young polymath.
         Sustainability, Health & Wellness  Mnewly crowned Spell Master      Go Boy!
         and Diversity & Inclusion catego-  of India. In the final round of the   Nasrin Modak Siddiqui (Mumbai)
         ries. The Top 10 teams qualified for   national season XIII SBI Life
         the grand finale after six months of   Spell Bee 2024 hosted by pop-
         rigorous training and mentoring by   ular actress-anchor Mandira
         experts from Samsung and knowl-  Bedi in Mumbai on March 10,
         edge partner Foundation for In-  this talented teen bested 75
         novation and Technology Transfer   spelling whiz kids who made
         (FITT), a unit of IIT-Delhi.     the final round of the national
           Team Think attributes its success   competition. Over 150,000
         to Samsung and IIT-Delhi fac-    students from 350 schools in
         ulty mentoring. “Early exposure to   30 cities participated in SBI
         industry leaders and tech innova-  Life Spell Bee 2024. As win-
         tors helped to build an innovation   ner, Rayaan bagged Rs.1 lakh
         mindset. Participation in SFT 2023   in cash and an all-expenses
         has provided us with a valuable   paid trip to Disneyland, Hong
         head start for taking our project for-  Kong.

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