Page 36 - EW July 2024
P. 36

Institution Profile

               Hiranandani Upscale School, Chennai

             Renowned nationwide for ideating and establishing high quality townships, office complexes
              and residential buildings nationwide, the Hiranandani Group has invested its considerable
                 expertise in constructing the school's scenic campus overlooking Muttukadu Lake
                                                 SHIVANI CHATURVEDI

                HE HIRANANDANI Upscale
                School  (HUS,  estb.2011)  is
                sited on a three-acre cam-
         Tpus in the House of Hi-
         ranandani’s integrated township in
         the southern metropolis of Chennai
         (pop.12 million). This K-12 co-ed day
         school offering the PYP (primary years
         programme), MYP (middle years pro-
         gramme)  and  IBDP  (diploma)  pro-
         grammes of IB, Geneva, was promoted
         by Surendra Hiranandani, co-founder
         and managing director of the Mumbai-
         based Hiranandani Group which has
         interests in real estate countrywide.
            Over the past 13 years since it was
         established, HUS has steadily ac-
         quired a good reputation for providing
         student-centric, holistic primary-sec-
         ondary education to its 402 students
         mentored by 88 well-qualified teach-  HUS campus: steadily rising reputation. Inset: Sivakumar Srinivasan
         ers. Ranked among Chennai’s Top 15
         co-ed day schools in the Education-  top-ranked international schools (The   students  with  an  aggregate  10,000
         World India School Rankings 2023-  International School, Bangalore, In-  print  volumes  and  40  journal  sub-
         24, HUS was conferred the SDG Hero   dus International School, Pune) when   scriptions, and access to a wide range
         award in 2023 and the ARC EdTech   he was appointed director of HUS in   of  e-learning  resources.  A  Special
         award for incorporating UN Sustain-  2022.                        Education Needs (SEN) department
         able Development Goals into its cur-   Renowned nationwide for ideating   staffed  with  special  educators  pro-
         riculum.                         and establishing high quality town-  vides personalised support to students
           “In HUS, we provide our students   ships, office complexes and residential   with learning disabilities.
         with an inclusive learning environ-  buildings in Mumbai, Bengaluru and   Equally impressive is the school’s
         ment after identifying their needs to   Chennai, the Hiranandani Group has   sports infrastructure which includes a
         enable them to reach their potential   invested its considerable expertise in   large cricket ground, dedicated foot-
         under our renowned IB continuum   construction, landscaping and equip-  ball  field,  and  synthetic  courts  for
         programmes. Our goal is to nurture   ping HUS’ three-acre scenic campus   basketball and volleyball. The spirit
         well-rounded, ethical, empathetic,   overlooking  Muttukadu  Lake.  The   of competitive sportsmanship is en-
         culturally aware, physically fit and ac-  school’s academic building houses 55   couraged with children motivated to
         ademically bright global citizens ready   spacious and well-ventilated Smart   compete in inter and intra-school
         to confront the challenges of the fu-  classrooms equipped with LCD pro-  competitions.
         ture,” says Sivakumar Srinivasan,   jectors. Students have access to two    The HUS management prides it-
         director of HUS. An alum of Madras   state-of-the-art  ICT  (information   self for having readily adopted and
         and Bharathidasan universities with   communication  technologies)  labo-  integrated latest technology advances
         leadership certification from the Har-  ratories supplemented with discrete   into its teaching-learning and man-
         vard Graduate School of Education,   physics, chemistry and biology labs.   agement operations. “Integration of
         Srinivasan imported over two decades   Moreover the school has two separate   advanced technologies into institu-
         of teaching and admin experience in   libraries for primary and middle years   tional operations enriches children’s

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