Page 41 - EW July 2024
P. 41

Education minister Dharmendra Pradhan (centre) with deputies Jayant Chaudhary (right) and Sukanta Majumdar after re-induction

         dia’s moribund education system, has never been a priority   to  establish  campuses  in  India;  introducing  the  FYUP
         of the BJP and especially of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak   (four year undergrad programme); introducing the Com-
         Sangh (RSS), the shadowy ideological and cultural men-  mon University Entrance Test (CUET) for admission into
         tor organisation of the party,” we wrote four years ago (see   56 Central government universities; NEET (National Eligi-
         see  bility-cum-Entrance Test) for medical education and also
         indias-shattered-education-system/).             establishing an ABC (Academic Bank of Credits) to enable
           Nevertheless even if the issue of whether India’s chil-  students to exit and re-enter higher education institutions
         dren, especially the 52 percent in the country’s 1.1 million   at their convenience.
         government schools, have recovered the severe learning   Respected monitors and practitioners of Indian edu-
         loss of the Covid pandemic is shrouded in mystery — a   cation are impressed by the speed with which Pradhan
         2023 ASER (Annual Status of Education Report) of the   has moved to implement several NEP recommendations,
         highly-respected independent Pratham Education Founda-  especially in early childhood and school education. “The
         tion which field tested 34,375 teens in the 14-18 age group,     FLN (foundational learning and numeracy) road map and
         reveals that 25 percent cannot read a class II level text-  NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with
         book fluently in their regional language and more than half   Understanding and Numeracy) Bharat programme rolled
         struggle with division (3-digit by 1-digit) problems — there   out by the Union education ministry for youngest children,
         is a general consensus that under Pradhan’s leadership the   are excellent documents. They detail every element of what
         ministry has successfuly fast-tracked implementation of   should be taught to children in every age group, and how
         several important recommendations of the revolutionary     and why it should be taught. But the problem as usual is
         NEP 2020.                                        with implementation. Except in a few states such as Assam
           Among them: incorporation of ECCE (early childhood   and Odisha, very few government anganwadis (1.4 mil-
         care and education) into the formal school system — a   lion essentially nutritional centres established since 1976
         longstanding EducationWorld demand — under the new   countrywide for lactating mothers and infants which also
         5+3+3+4 school education system to replace the earlier   provide ECCE — Editor) are implementing these excellent
         10+2 system; permitting foreign schools and universities   initiatives. Neither surprisingly are the great majority of

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