Page 46 - EW July 2024
P. 46

Cover Story

         greater autonomy from government to                               committees and authorities, few, if
         education institutions, the K’Rangan                              any  of  them  have  been  staffed  and
         Committee and its handmaiden NEP                                  operationalised. The K’Rangan Com-
         2020 recommends an elaborate gov-                                 mittee recommended they should be
         ernment-controlled superstructure to                              staffed by academics and officials of
         administer and upgrade Indian edu-                                “unimpeachable integrity”. Yet as the
         cation.                                                           huge NEET-UG scandal has proved,
           In a detailed 13-page cover story                               such individuals of exemplary probity
         titled ‘More government, more gov-                                are difficult, if not impossible, to find.
         ernance’    (EW,  July  2019)  which                              Seven decades of socialist   licence-
         analysed the Kasturirangan Commit-                                permit-quota raj in Indian industry
         tee’s 484-page NEP draft, your edi-                               and academia, has thoroughly cor-
         tors highlighted that it recommended                              rupted the bureaucracy and official-
         numerous committees and commis-                                   dom. Despite this, the presumption
         sions. These recommendations are                                  of the Kasturirangan Committee that
         wholly  incorporated  in  NEP  2020                               government appointed regulatory
         (See EW cover story ‘Visionary Char-  K'Rangan: elaborate superstructure  committees  are  required  for  gover-
         ter: Educracy Shadow’https://www.                                 nance and supervision of the pre-  ment of Education in all states and   school-class XII and higher educa-
         tion-policy-2020-visionary-charter-  Union territories  for  “overall  moni-  tion sectors has not been challenged
         educracy-shadow/ ).              toring and policymaking for continual   by India’s academics, K-12 educators
         F       OR INSTANCE FOR im-      system”. Operations and policy imple-  Stockholm syndrome.
                                          improvement of the public education
                                                                           and media pundits — a clear case of
                 provement and upgrada-
                                                                             Even a cursory reading of the
                                          mentation falls within the purview of
                 tion of the country’s ossified
                 higher education system   the Directorate of School Education,   post-1947 history of Indian education
                                          while an independent State School
                                                                           dominated by dysfunctional govern-
         which recklessly certifies millions of   Standards Authority (SSSA) will set   ment  schools  defined  by  crumbling
         half-baked unemployable youth —   standards for basic parameters (safe-  buildings, pervasive lack of libraries,
         none of India’s 1,026 universities is   ty, security, infrastructure, teacher   laboratories, toilets, digital equip-
         ranked among the global Top 200 —   adequacy, financial probity and sound   ment,  multigrade  classrooms  and
         the new policy decrees establishment   processes of governance). Moreover,   chronic teacher absenteeism provides
         of a Higher Education Commission of   all schools are obliged to make full   a mountain of evidence that govern-
         India (HECI) as “an umbrella institu-  disclosure of information as per the   ment control and command which has
         tion” with four verticals — National   format prescribed by SSSA on their   transformed into micro-management,
         Higher Education Regulatory Council   websites  with  SSSA  empowered  to   is the problem — rather than solution
         (NHERC), a “single point regulator for   adjudicate “any complaints or griev-  — of Indian education. Moreover, the
         the higher education sector includ-  ances” arising out of the information   elaborate governance architecture
         ing teacher education but excluding   so posted. Academic matters “includ-  prescribed by the K’rangan Commit-
         medical and legal education”; a Na-  ing academic standards and curricula   tee and incorporated by NEP 2020,
         tional Accreditation Council (NAC),   in  every state will be supervised by   contradicts the institutional autono-
         “a  meta-accrediting body to certify   existing State Councils of Educational   my and self-regulation mandates of
         HEIs primarily on basic norms, pub-  Research & Training (SCERT) which   NEP 2020.
         lic self-disclosure, good governance   will be “reinvigorated”.     The proposition that schools and
         and outcomes”; a Higher Education   Four years after NEP 2020 decreed   higher education institutions can be
         Grants Council (HEGC) to “carry out   these numerous education regulatory   well-governed by highly educated and
         funding and financing of higher edu-                              experienced principals, deans and vice
         cation based on transparent criteria”;   Instead of granting greater   chancellors mindful of the reputation
         a General Education Council (GEC),                                of institutions under their watch and
         established to set learning outcome   autonomy to education       accountable to their stakeholders, is
         benchmarks aka “graduate attributes”   institutions, NEP 2020     beyond the imagination of establish-
         for all study programmes offered by                               ment academics who constituted the
         higher education institutions.   mandates an elaborate            K’Rangan Committee and the coun-
           Similarly for school education, NEP   government control        try’s nit-picking career bureaucrats.
         2020 recommends a muti-tier regu-                                   What India’s beleaguered edu-
         latory structure headed by a Depart-  superstructure              cation institutions urgently need is

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