Page 47 - EW July 2024
P. 47

BJP/NDA government's Education Report Card (2014-2024)

                           PASS                                             FAIL

              National Education Policy approved (2020)     Public spending on education as % of GDP declined
                                                            from 3.1 percent in 2013-14 to 2.9 percent in 2022-23

              NCF for the Foundational Stage presented (2022)  NCERT textbooks rewritten sloppily
                                                            National Research Foundation not established despite
              NCF for School Education rolled out (2023)    being announced in consecutive Union budget speeches

                                                            Higher Education Commission of India Bill yet to be
              Foreign university campuses greenlight (2023)  tabled in Parliament
                                                            Digital University announced in Union Budget
              New higher ed institutions including IITs,    2022-23, yet to be established.
              IIMs & AIIMS established (2015-2019)
                                                            Decline in teenage students' learning outcomes reported
              National Testing Agency established (2017)    by ASER 2023 and the government’s NAS 2021
                                                            Faculty shortages — 40 percent of teaching posts
              Higher Education Financing Agency (2017)      in the IITs, 31 percent in IIMs and 30 percent
                                                            in Central universities vacant

              National Credit Framework finalised (2023)    48.75 percent of college/university graduates are unemploy-
                                                            able (India Skills Report)
              India Skill Mission promoted (2015)           Only 4.69 percent of the total workforce in India
                                                            is formally skilled (TeamLease)

              NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading   Snail-paced progress on liberalization and deregulation of
              with Understanding and Numeracy) rolled out (2021)  school and higher education

         autonomy and a government super-  nately ab initio since independence,   and newfangled technologies.
         visory framework of the trust and   adequate care has not been taken   Therefore  the  first  Union  educa-
         verify model. The basic presumption   by government leaders to select suf-  tion minister appointed by the BJP
         of NEP 2020 formulators that lead-  ficiently  qualified  and  experienced   government after it swept to power in
         ers of schools and HEIs need detailed   academics to lead supervisory bodies   New Delhi in 2014 was television  soap
         guidance, prescriptions and careful   such as UGC, NAAC, AICTE, NCERT   opera star Smriti Irani who falsely
         supervision  from government-man-  and Vice Chancellors of public  uni-  declared she had  a university degree.
         aged regulatory bodies to improve   versities.                    She was followed in Shastri Bhavan,
         learning outcomes and institutional   This is especially true of the BJP   Delhi by Prakash Javadekar and
         reputation, is flawed and is likely to   government which has been ruling   Ramesh Pokriyal, both former RSS
         transform NEP 2020 into yet another   at the Centre since 2014. A substan-  karyakartas. In turn, they appointed
         visionary education reform policy   tial number of its selected academics   intellectual lightweights to important
         prescription doomed to falter at the   appointed to high office in education   education institutions such as ICHR,
         implementation hurdle.           supervisory and institutional offices   UGC, NCERT, JNU and most recently
           The natural tendency of political   are ideologues of the RSS (Rashtriya   NCERT.
         parties that win general and state   Swayamsevak Sangh), the ideological   The depleted intelligentsia bench
         elections is to appoint party sup-  mentor organization of the BJP whose   strength of the BJP government is
         porters to positions of authority in   top priority is rediscovery of India’s   highlighted by the puerile state-
         government. However, care has to be   ancient history and glories of Hindu   ments of  Dinesh Saklani, Direc-
         taken that they have sufficient expe-  kingdoms of the pre-Mughal era. It’s   tor of NCERT (National Council for
         rience  beyond  paper  qualifications,   a matter of common knowledge that   Educational  Research  &  Training),
         to discharge the obligations of office.   the  RSS  which  owns  and  manages   the country’s largest school textbooks
         This is especially true of institutions   24,000  primary-secondary  schools   publisher. Recently Saklani justified
         and panels appointed to monitor and   and  several  HEIs  countrywide,  has   description of the Babri Masjid, a
         guide education institutions. Unfortu-  little patience with ‘Western’ science   16th century mosque in Uttar Pradesh

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