Page 51 - EW July 2024
P. 51

2020 commitments, including freeing
         universities from GST and other tax
         “       THIRD THE NATIONAL steer-

                 ing committee proposed
                 above  should  deliberate
                 on ways and means to ease
                 governance in higher educa-
         tion. Moreover in light of the recent
         NEET-UG scandal, the entrance ex-
         ams system should be reimagined
         to build trust, credibility, efficiency,
         transparency and accountability. And
         last, but not least, Institutions of Emi-
         nence certified by government should
         be  granted full  autonomy,  freedom
         from all regulations to enable them   Dr. Raj Kumar (centre): 5-point priorities prescription
         to evolve into truly world-class insti-
         tutions. These are priority initiatives   is among the highest worldwide. “This   2023-24-260-million-children-short-
         Pradhan should urgently undertake to   is doing deep damage. For the sake of   changed-again/) and forwarded to the
         realise Prime Minister Modi’s dream   the country, we must not hide behind   minister who has never acknowledged
         of a Viksit Bharat and $30 trillion GDP   slogans, must put politics aside and   it. Neither has he responded despite
         by year 2047,” says Dr. (Prof.) C.   take corrective measures,” he tweeted.   repeated requests to an innocuous
         Raj Kumar, the polymath (alum of   Basu  is  right  to  be  alarmed.  An   questionnaire (see box) forwarded to
         Delhi, Oxford, Harvard universities)   estimated  10  million  youth  with   his office well before this feature was
         Founding Vice Chancellor of the top-  weak foundational ECCE and school     written.
         ranked O.P. Jindal Global University,   learning are streaming out of higher   This communication deficit which
         Sonipat (estb. 2009), ranked among   education institutions countrywide,   has been a conspicuous feature of
         the global Top 1,000 universities by   equipped with paper certificates reck-  Pradhan’s first four-year term in of-
         QS, the well-respected London-based   lessly issued by the country’s 45,000   fice needs to be remedied. It’s high
         universities rankings agency.     colleges and 1,026  universities. Most   time the minister shed his indifference
           Implicit in Prof. Raj Kumar’s pri-  of them are not employable in jobs   and contempt for the media and Edu-
         orities prescription is that in his first   commensurate  with  their  qualifica-  cationWorld (estb.1999) in particular.
         four years in the education ministry,   tions. As a result, the Indian econo-  Over the past quarter century of unin-
         Pradhan has not done enough to   my illustrates the paradox of a huge   terrupted publishing, this sui generis
         translate the visionary NEP 2020 into   shortage of sufficiently educated and   human development publication has
         ground zero initiatives. Therefore in   skilled youth and unfilled and rising   provided solutions — or seeds of solu-
         his second innings in Shastri Bhavan,   vacancies in India Inc because of mis-  tions — for every problem plaguing In-
         Pradhan has to exhibit greater dyna-  alignment between the academy and   dian education and the failed national
         mism and courage than he did in his   industry.                   human resource development effort.
         first innings during which he prepared   Therefore in his second innings   It’s high time the Hon’ble minister
         the ground for reforms. Over the past   which  has  got  off  to  a  shaky  start,   and his advisers in Shastri Bhavan, ac-
         four years, a consensus has emerged   Pradhan needs to speak up forcefully   knowledge that your editors are driven
         within media and society that educa-  in Union cabinet meetings for greater   by the mission to “make education the
         tion — especially public education —   expenditure allocation for education   # 1 item on the national agenda” and
         has been on the back-burner for too   which has to rise to 6 percent of GDP   are not adversaries intent on embar-
         long, resulting in a snowballing youth   as recommended by the Kothari Com-  rassing the minister or government.
         unemployment problem.            mission way back in 1966 and prom-  To this end, we invite his cooperation
           In an X (Twitter) post (May 29),   ised in every BJP election manifesto.   in our common cause to provide high
         Dr. Kaushik Basu, former Chief     A  blueprint  for  mobilizing  Rs.8   quality pre-school to Ph D education
         Economic Advisor (CEA) to the Gov-  lakh crore for investment in educa-  to the world’s largest child and youth
         ernment of India and currently with   tion has repeatedly been provided   population, to enable India to attain
         the World Bank, warned that at 45.3   by  your  editors  (see  https://www.  a place of honour and respect in the

         percent, India’s youth unemployment  comity of nations in the 21st century.
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