Page 32 - EW July 2024
P. 32

Education Briefs

         Universal Ai-RDS joint           including product engineering, manu-  reflects our commitment to shaping

         venture                          facturing, and customer experience.  future leaders and propelling the next
                                            Under this tripartite initiative,
                                                                           wave of technological progress,” said
         Mumbai, june 4. Universal Ai Uni-  Tata Technologies will provide   Nikhil  Malhotra, Global Head of
         versity, which bills itself as India’s   shortlisted  project  team/s  with  the   Makers Lab, Tech Mahindra, speak-
         first artificial intelligence university,   tools and technologies required  to   ing on the occasion.
         signed an agreement with French   develop scalable innovations with   Added Aditi Srivastava, Presi-
         design school Rubika to establish a   subject matter experts (SMEs) from   dent of Pearl Academy: “The CoE will
         Rubika Design School (RDS) on    the company mentoring them for     not only enhance our students’ learn-
         its Karjat campus. Rubika is a glob-  project  scaling.  Microsoft  will  offer   ing experience, it will also prepare
         ally reputed French design school with   topper  team/s  complimentary  ac-  them to meet the demands of the rap-
         campuses in France, Canada and Re-  cess to Azure resources and project   idly evolving jobs market.”
         union Island. RDS will offer a four-  mentoring  through  the  Azure  com-
         year Bachelor of Design (B.Des), and   munity, and Tata Motors will define   Rishihood U scholarships
         integrated five-year Master of Design   real-world manufacturing challenges
         (M.Des) programmes in Transporta-  and support the commercialisation of   New  delhi,  june  19.  The So-
         tion Design, Product Design, UX/UI   top projects. The hackathon is open   nipat-based Rishihood University
         Design, Animation, Video Games Art   to third and fourth year engineering   (estb.2020)  has  announced  a  Rs.7
         and Video Games Design.          students across India.           crore Bharat 100 Scholarship initiative
           Under this joint initiative, RDS will   The evaluation process will com-  for undergraduate students admitted
         provide its curriculum, pedagogy and   prise three stages: initial review, vir-  into its futuristic programs including
         share its world-class faculty with Uni-  tual proof of concept (PoC) presenta-  entrepreneurship, AI, finance, design,
         versal  Ai.  The  university’s  students   tions, and final demonstrations. The   and psychology. Classes are scheduled
         will also be able to access the state-of-  top three winning teams will receive   to begin on August 12.
         the-art studio of RDS in Pune, India.    cash prizes of Rs.4.5 lakh with paid   Under the Bharat 100 scholarship
           “This  partnership with  RDS will   internship opportunities at Tata Tech-  schema five students will get full tu-
         provide exhilarating design careers to   nologies. The last date for project sub-  ition  waiver,  15  will  be  awarded  75
         our students, with access to the best   mission is July 31. For further details   percent and 20 a 50 percent waiver.
         teaching-learning techniques world-  visit:  https://www.tatatechnologies.  Moreover, 60 students will get up to
         wide, here in India. I believe there is a   com/innovent/.        40  percent  fee  waivers.  Admission
         massive design talent shortage world-                             preference will be given to students
         wide and Universal Ai graduates will   Pearl Academy-Tech         who have achieved extraordinary suc-
         be able to make a mark around the                                 cess in curricular or extra-curricular
         world,” observed Prof. Tarundeep   Mahindra CoE                   activities including sports, science,
         Anand, Chancellor, Universal Ai Uni-                              social work, and innovation. Scholar-
         versity, speaking on the occasion.  Bengaluru, june 10. Pearl Academy   ship applications are invited online
                                          and Tech Mahindra signed a Memo-  (
         Tata Tech InnoVent               randum of Understanding (MoU) to   ers and entrepreneurs including Mo-
                                                                             A panel comprising industry lead-
                                          establish a Centre of Excellence (CoE)
         hackathon                        on the academy’s Bengaluru campus.   tilal Oswal, Ankur Warikoo, Prashant
                                            The CoE will spearhead R&D in   Sachan,  Sachin  Gupta,  Anmol  Jain,
         Bengaluru, june 18. Tata Technolo-  next-gen technologies, including arti-  and Srikanth Velamakanni will inter-
         gies launched the second edition of   ficial intelligence, generative AI (Ge-  view scholarships applicants.
         the Tata Technologies InnoVent hack-  nAI), augmented reality/virtual real-  “Rishihood University is proud to
         athon in collaboration with Microsoft   ity, robotics and Metaverse. Moreover,   announce  this  massive scholarship
         and Tata Motors. The objective of this   Pearl Academy students will have the   drive valued at over Rs.7 crore for 100
         initiative is to provide engineering   opportunity to work  on  intellectual   students to provide a turning point in
         students a platform to showcase their   property ideated within Tech Mahin-  the lives of many meritorious and de-
         creativity and innovations to address   dra’s Makers Lab, the company’s re-  serving students. The scholarship is
         challenges confronting the manufac-  search and development division.   supported by industry leaders, and is
         turing industry. This year’s hackathon   “We will integrate AI and advanced   part of our joint vision to create future
         focuses on Generative AI-enabled in-  technologies into the students’ curric-  leaders out of today’s learners,” said
         novations that deliver value across   ulum to foster a tech-forward learn-  Shobhit Mathur, Vice Chancellor,
         the product development value chain,   ing environment. This collaboration   Rishihood University.

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