Page 10 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 10

of Benguet, only 70% or 50,011 learners were reached       online learning, which may influence the constitution of
        out during the collection of data by the Schools Heads     the teachers and the learners.
        and teachers. Nonetheless, the results were still signifi-  Two among 4 themes in the research conducted are
        cant and unanimous on all grade levels from K to 12.       directly related to the reasons behind the preferences of
                                                                   learners and parents most especially in line with condi-
        In connection to this, the research on alternative learn-  tion and capability. School personnel have raised their
        ing delivery mode also covered the concerns or issues of   issues on residential location and distance to school
        stakeholders. The concerns were grouped to form the        assignment, which is covered under condition, as well
        following themes: connectivity, capability, condition      as connectivity. In the School Readiness data gathering
        and constitution. Accordingly, connectivity refers to the   form, capacity is added to complete the three Cs, which
        quality, state or capability of being connected or linked   is conceptualized to fit the availability and accessibility
        (Webster, 2020). At this time, it has become synonymous  of learner, the school personnel connectivity as well as
        to internet connectivity. Capability on the other hand is   the ICT infrastructure in order to actively and successfully
        the ability of learners, teachers, parents and even the    participate in any modalities identified.
        school to successfully execute the alternative modes in
        teaching and learning. Condition is about unreachability   The following discussion elaborates the corroboration of
        because of location or residential area distance of teach-  the research results with the data consolidated from the
        ers and school personnel from their assigned schools or    Schools Readiness Form, in order to further understand
        district. Lastly, constitution covers health issues that may  the connection among the themes.
        be caused by the alternative delivery modes, especially

        A. Capacity

        Table 1 in the following page shows that regular learners   and residences in urban areas are expected to have
        in the fourteen districts prefer printed modules (A), digi-  better telecommunication signal. This is the same with
        tized modules (C), online materials (E), or a combination   the idea that rural areas have weaker telecommunication
        of the three as instructional materials (G) with the condi-  signal. The responses or preferences of learners and par-
        tion that scheduled teacher interaction, assessment, and   ents as shown in table 1 expounds more on this.
        remediation be conducted or scheduled through actual       Furthermore, other issues raised by the respondents in
        face to face. Furthermore, others have considered online   the research conducted which supports the preferences
        face to face, but then again, with the consideration still   of parents and learners are on the capability of parents
        of actual face to face (I).                                to provide the needed materials and their competency
                                                                   to help their children learn at home as exemplified by the
        The main concern of both internal and external stake-      following:
        holders in the identification of their preferences is the
        available resources in their area. Observation denotes         “Varied to no educational background of parents”
        that there is no absolute truth to the idea that schools

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                   Page 4
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