Page 5 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 5




        In line with the Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan   contextualized such direction in education through its
        (BE-LCP) of the Department of Education, the Schools       banner program called IYAMAN embracing Innova-
        Division of Benguet has put into a single document its     tions and Continuous Improvement, Youth Formation
        concrete action plans for the School Year 2020-2021        on Reading, Research, Risk Reduction & Resiliency and
        to ensure continuity of learning and provision of ba-      Robotics, Administrators actively engaged in SBM,
        sic education services amid the COVID-19 pandemic.         responsible Financial Management and Resource Man-
        Known as SDO Benguet Learning Continuity Operation         agement, Mobilization and networking with international
        Plan (LCOP), this document was the offshoot of a divi-     and national partners, Advancement in human resource
        sion-wide research, surveys and analysis of the schools    development and administrative processes, Nurturing
        division situation. Inspired by the indigenous culture     excellence through appreciation, recognition, awards
        of cooperation and collaboration locally known as bin-     and incentives.  Coined after the Benguet indigenous
        nadang, the different units and sections of the schools    culture of being grateful for every blessing, IYAMAN thus
        division office together with the schools were continu-    became SDO Benguet’s contextualized pivot to quality
        ously engaged in giving feedbacks and inputs since the     education. As this LCOP embraces this IYAMAN concept,
        start of the present health crisis. The gathered inputs    the planning team finds this appropriate to sustain the
        eventually guided the Division Planning Team in analyz-    cooperative spirit of extending help for every important
        ing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats  endeavor. This plan therefore considered the continu-
        (SWOT) in the schools division’s mandate of ensuring the  ous engagement of internal and external stakeholders
        continuous provision of basic education services while     to support DepEd’s efforts in addressing equity, close
        primarily safeguarding the health and safety of learners,   access gaps and improve quality education.
        parents and all DepEd personnel.
                                                                   Based on the national BE-LCP, this LCOP spelled out
        Taking cue from the results of a division-wide research    the concrete plans of actions of SDO Benguet along the
        on alternative learning delivery modalities and survey on   following major pillars or emphases:
        readiness of schools within the division, SDO Benguet
        outlined the capability, capacity and condition of schools     Pillar 1: Curriculum development for improved deliv-
        and districts to provide basic education. As expected,         ery, instruction and assessment;
        strengths and weaknesses were noted even as there are          Pillar 2: Improving the learning environment to devel-
        also major opportunities and threats which the planning        op learner’s full potential;
        team considered. Based on these inputs, SDO Benguet            Pillar 3: Teachers and school Leaders’ upskilling and
        has revised and enhanced its Programs, Projects and Ac-        reskilling to improve
        tivities (PAPs) reflected in its 2017-2022 Division Educa-                  Competencies; and
        tion Development Plan (DEDP) and 2020 Division Annual          Pillar 4: Engagement of stakeholders for support and
        Implementation Plan (DAIP) in order to be aligned with         collaboration.
        the national efforts of ensuring learning continuity while
        combatting the COVID-19 crisis.                                   Under each pillar are objectives and strategies
                                                                   along the following Key Result Areas: Strategic Leader-
        Noting too that DepEd linked and bridged the nation-       ship and Management, Curriculum and Instruction Man-
        al BE-LCP to its pivot to quality and into the future of   agement, Human Resources Management and Develop-
        education known as Sulong Edukalidad, SDO Benguet          ment, Building Partnership and Linkages, and Resource

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                    Page iv
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