Page 17 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 17
Moreover, the schools also have signified their willing- ers were also asked of their personal ICT gadgets and
ness with the guidance of the Schools Division Office on equipment, where those with none will be allowed to
the possibilities of lending DCP tablets to learners whose borrow DCP laptops or Desktops to use in order to meet
parents are or will not be able to provide ICT gadgets or all requirements necessary in whatever learning delivery
equipment to use. School personnel, specifically teach- mode is allowed or applicable in their school or area.
Table 7 shows the number of available DCP tablets in the assurance that these number of learners will not any-
14 districts. Unfortunately, regardless of this initiative, more be included in the provision of DCP tablets because
school resources are not enough to provide one tablet it is already understood that they have the necessary
for every learner. However, with the online face to face equipment or ICT gadget to use when necessary. There-
and digitized learning materials preference of more or fore, the number of learners identified in the ratio may
less 11,729 learners shown in table 1, there is hope and decrease significantly.
Table 7. Number of DCP Tablets and Ratio of Tablet to Regular and Special Class Learners in the Fourteen Dis-
tricts of SDO Benguet.
ICT gadgets
/ equipment Buguias Itogon I Itogon II Kabayan Kapangan Kibungan La Trinidad Mankayan
Atok Bakun Bokod Sablan Tuba Tublay
Number of
DCP tablets
in good con-
dition and 160 255 252 168 254 69 166 257 122 242 492 146 238 105
available to
be lent to
Expected 3050 2741 9084 2847 5701 3841 3147 4374 3190 16902 8922 1505 7300 4830
Ratio (tablet 1:19 1:11 1:36 1:17 1:22 1:56 1:19 1:17 1:26 1:70 1:18 1:10 1:31 1:46
to Learner)
With over 62 percent of expected enrollees for SY reproduction. Such information is then deemed neces-
2020-2021 and their parents who have signified their sary for SDO Benguet to determine in order to foresee
preferences on printed modules, the schools are then such issues and plan appropriate interventions before the
challenged to have enough resources for printing and opening of the school year.