Page 20 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 20

Almost half of the total number of school personnel or     In the research conducted, it was discussed that teach-
        49.65 percent are intermediate in ICT competency, while    ers and the school itself would have the greatest role
        only 0.94 percent are experts and unfortunately, 4.01      in implementing policies for the implementation of the
        percent have no idea of their level of ICT competency.     alternative delivery modes. There are growing concerns
                                                                   on the capability of teachers and the school to do so as
        Such information will guide the division office, school    raised:
        heads and the PSDS to plan for enhancement activities
        or capability building to elevate the level of competency       “Computer literacy of everybody involved -not all
        of school personnel under Basic to at least intermediate           learners, teachers, and parents know how
        and assist further intermediate to become advance and                  to operate the computer, internet
        expert in competency. This strategy will hopefully help                        applications, etc.”
        teachers handle all alternative learning delivery mode
        with ease and confidence. With this level of ICT compe-       “Adjustment from the methods and strategies used in
        tency, quality in the learning delivery is at least assured     teaching and learning- difficult time for teachers
        by 1,244 teachers and not to include as well advance and          and learners to adjust which takes time and
        experts.                                                             may create problems along the way.”

        The level of readiness of school personnel were also
        asked in the Schools Readiness form and is well support-       3. Satisfactory because I am not fully aware of the
        ed by the research results on alternative learning delivery    current situation and actually, I am waiting for in-
        mode. This indicated how well the school personnel are         structions from my School Head and from higher
        aware or informed of the changes that may come to-             offices. I am waiting for some invitations to attend
        gether with implementing alternative delivery learning         training but I am not yet informed if there are. If
        modes, and if they are ready enough to face such chal-         there will be changes, I will have to wait first. I am
        lenges and issues in the coming school year. The follow-       knowledgeable of data privacy and other legal and
        ing level of readiness were identified and defined as such:    ethical issues to consider in conducting online teach-
                                                                       ing and learning.
            5. Excellent because I fully understand the current
            situation. I have enrolled myself in online courses and    2. Somewhat ready because I cannot really under-
            webinars. I am currently scanning my capability and        stand why there is a change being anticipated. I
            capacity and at least, I know where the gaps are if        prefer the conventional way of learning. If there are
            ever that flexible, alternative learning models shall be   other alternative learning delivery modes being talk-
            implemented. I am very much knowledgeable of data          ed about, I think I cannot cope up with it. If there are
            privacy and all other legal and ethical issues to con-     orders for change, I may have to consider and start
            sider in conducting online teaching and learning.          learning. I only know a few legal and ethical issues to
                                                                       consider in conducting online teaching and learning.
            4. Very ready because I have understood the current
            situation and so I enrolled myself in online courses       1. Not at all ready. The conventional way of learning
            and webinars. However, I need some more learning. I        is still the best so far. If alternative learning models
            can see gaps in my capacity and capability but I am at     are being introduced, these should be upon the pref-
            least prepared to embrace the new normal of flexible,      erence of teachers. I am not aware of any legal and
            alternative learning delivery models. I am very knowl-     ethical issues to consider during the conduct of online
            edgeable of data privacy and other legal and ethical       teaching and learning
            issues to consider in conducting online teaching and

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 14
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