Page 23 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 23

Open High School Program (OHSP) was added as anoth-        to contextualize the 21st learning theory so as to fit the
        er ADM program. Examples of these are Project EASE         school and its stakeholders’ milieu. World Bank (2020)
        (Effective and Affordable Secondary Education), Home       has suggested that countries need to plan for a multi-fac-
        Study Program or Blended Learning.                         eted remote learning model.

        According to the ADM research conducted in the divi-       Under the DORP program, three modes of learning were
        sion, most of the school stakeholders in all the districts   provided for the learners to be able to continue their
        in general, with the exception of majority of the school   schooling even without attending formal classes.  One is
        stakeholders in La Trinidad and Tublay Districts foresee   the modular system wherein students are given learn-
        blended learning as the most plausible teaching and        ing modules which they can bring home for self-study.
        learning delivery mode at this point in time.              Another one is an internet-based learning which is an
                                                                   online learning and the blended technology which is a
        It is worth mentioning, however, that although internal    merger of the modular and internet-based modes of
        stakeholders preferred blended learning, the external      teaching and learning (SEAMEO INNOTECH, 2012).
        stakeholders placed home study on the top list of their
        preferred teaching and learning delivery mode. None-       The ADMs/FLS are implemented in response to a variety
        theless, still, blended learning has been chosen by 40     of challenges, such as overcrowding, teacher shortages,
        percent of the total respondents’ population making        lack of instructional materials, and remoteness/ inac-
        it as the most preferred teaching and learning delivery    cessibility of schools. As SEAMO INNOTECH (2015) has
        mode by schools stakeholders in the Schools Division of    concluded, in the aftermath of a calamity, as what we are
        Benguet. That is, the stakeholders prefer a combination  experiencing right now, communities may suffer any and
        of home schooling and home study. Simply saying, the       all of the above, which points to the potential of ADMs to
        respondents prefer that teaching and learning exist        sustain education in emergency contexts.
        as a product of collaboration between parents and the
        school institution since in blended learning, although     In relation, the ADM research results further reiterates
        teachers facilitate the teaching and the school has the    that: “As blended learning appeared to be the most pre-
        provision of modules, parents, at times, can now become  ferred alternative teaching and learning delivery mode
        teachers and may choose materials for learning and         by Schools Division of Benguet stakeholders, Schools
        schedule of assessment.                                    Division Office may review Department of Education
                                                                   existing Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) programs prior
        Although surveys have found that a majority of faculty     to this pandemic to bank collected strategies used in the
        still believe that online learning or distance education is   ADM programs which can be adopted in the Division’s
        inferior to classroom teaching (Jaschika & Letterman,      Learning Continuity Plan and which are applicable in
        2014) and although the Philippines is still behind in terms  blended learning.
        of technological infrastructure (Salac & Kim, 2016),
        teaching and learning must still proceed. World Bank       Among the existing ADM programs, to name some of
        Group (2020) stressed on the importance of protecting      which, for review include e-IMPACT (Enhanced Instruc-
        students and preventing learning loss as the first policy   tional Management by Parents Community and Teach-
        in every country as loss of learning of learners will not   ers System, MISOSA (Modified In-School Off-School),
        only affect the educational system but the economy as      Home-Schooling Program, Dropout Reduction Pro-
        well in the long run.                                      gram (DORP), and Open High School Program (OHSP)
                                                                   (DepEd, 2011, 2012;   SEAMEO INNOTECH, 2012, 2015,
        Furthermore, as blended learning appeared to be the        2019). Besides, the Schools Division Office may consider
        most preferred alternative teaching and learning deliv-    Alternative Delivery Mode practice in other countries
        ery mode by Schools Division of Benguet stakeholders,      implemented during the pandemic like China’s Bei-
        Siemen’s (2004) Connectivism Theory indicating that        jing Normal University’s, in partnership with UNESCO,
        learning comprises of different series of nodes to connect  “Disrupted Classes, Undisrupted Learning” Program
        hundreds of network is hereby encouraged to be incul-      (McAleavy & Gorgen, 2020)
        cated in the Schools Division of Benguet Learning Conti-
        nuity Plan Development framing. As “no one size fits all”
        plan is applicable in relation to teaching and learning
        this time, each school in the Division is recommended

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 17
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