Page 27 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 27

IV.                    SITUATIONAL


                                STRENGTHS                                               WEAKNESSES
         •   3,792 or 90.70% of school personnel have home connectivity, while   •   Insufficient number of printers issued in the schools. The least ratio 1:2
             75 or 70.75% SDO personnel have weak home connectivity and 31 or   and at most 1:3 ratio of printer to teacher uses. This is very relevant in
             29.25% No connectivity.                                  the printing and reproduction of modules for distribution and use of
         •   2616 out of 2729 internal stakeholders signified their willingness in
             providing materials to be used by learners during the conduct of any   •   Insufficient number of DCP tablets in the districts to lend to learners
             applicable alternative learning delivery mode.           and the difficulty of meeting 1:1 tablet-learner ration.
         •   3163 out of 3849 teachers have or personally own a laptop and/ or a   •   For alternative learning delivery the school MOOE may not be enough
                                                                      to cover cost of reproduction of printed modules and data load or
         •   There are 3549 DCP laptop available in the schools which may be used   internet connection for teachers
             or borrowed by 686 teachers who do not have or does not personally   •   166 or 4.01 percent of 4139 school personnel do not know their level of
             own either a laptop or a desktop.
                                                                      ICT competency
         •   2055 or 49.65 percent of school personnel are intermediate in ICT   •   1366 or 33 percent of 4139 school personnel are basic in level of ICT
             competency, while 513 or 12.39 percent are advance, and 39 or 0.94   competency.
             percent are experts.
                                                                   •   453 or 10.77 percent of school personnel are not ready on the changes
         •   Early implementation of continuous capability building for teachers to   in the teaching and delivery mode
             address their needs through Webinar
                                                                   •   793 out of 4139 school personnel school personnel in SDO Benguet are
         •   3354 or 79.76 percent of school personnel are satisfactory, very ready,   residents outside the municipality of their assigned school. Based from
             and excellent in their level of readiness on changes in teaching and   GCQ guidelines, 14 days quarantine is still in effect.
             learning – the new normal
                                                                   •   Limited actual face to face monitoring of schools on areas of curricu-
         •   Majority of the districts with small schools have few or less than 15   lum and governance due to the imposed GCQ or ECQ guidelines
                                                                   •   26 percent of the learners have preference to online teaching learning
         •   Ongoing development of ADM modules in all subject areas for learners   materials and activities.
             to use covering first to fourtth quarter of SY 2020-2021 in digitized and
             printed copies                                        •   Limited social involvement of special learners / SPED learners which is
                                                                      deemed necessary for their cognitive and physical growth.
         •   Active and on call SDO personnel to act on issues and concerns for-
             warded to them from the field.                        •   Weak WIFI and Mobile signal experienced by teachers in their area or
                                                                      school location. 10.64% of teachers have strong internet connection
         •   Availability of smart, globe, TNT, TM, PLDT, CONVERGE, and BREEZE   only during day time, 26.29 percent of teachers only have strong
             as source of home connectivity ranges from the use of mobile data to   connection at night time and 16.24% of teachers have no connection
             cable connection.
                                                                      at all.
         •   1841 out of 1921 external stakeholders (parents) signified their willing-  •   Economic status of parents with no stable source of income brought
             ness in providing materials and equipment for their child to use during   about by ECQ and GCQ may not be able to provide the sufficient ma-
             any alternative learning delivery mode applicable or necessary.
                                                                      terials, ICT gadgets etc of their child.
         •   Presence of different alternative learning delivery which may give   •   Social growth of learners and teachers made through face to face in-
             flexible scheduling of classes and closer monitoring of learners by   teraction are sacrificed- Extracurricular activities mandated by DepEd
                                                                      CO may be limited or favored to no implementation for the rest of the
         •   Continuous professional development offered by private institutions,   incoming school year.
             state universities, and other DepEd partners for teachers via distance   •   Dependence on internet connectivity, expensive resources, and stress.
                                                                   •   External stakeholder clamor on their education background and capac-
         •   The Alternative learning delivery may result to having flexible schedul-  ity and capability in serving as teachers to their child.
             ing of classes and closer monitoring of learners by teachers.
                                                                   •   COVID-19 case surge. The rising number of cases of COVID-19 infec-
         •   New technologies for learners and teachers to experience or new   tions on a daily basis in the community is a serious concern as there
             modes of learning and teaching experienced through alternative learn-  are limited facilities and personnel.
             ing delivery modes
                                                                   •   Vulnerable far flung settings (leads to weakened access to basic
         •   Provision of DepEd commons that are presently being used by teach-  services). Last mile schools are any of the following: Schools farthest
             ers and learners.
                                                                      from town centers; schools with no electricity; schools with more than
         •   There are allocations provided through SEF that can be realigned to   75% indigent learners; with less than 5 teachers; and schools with
             secure the continuous delivery of quality service of education to all   makeshift rooms. (DepEd Memo No. 059 s.2019)
             i-Benguet learners.

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 21
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