Page 29 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 29

Strength- Opportunities                Strength- Weaknesses                     Strength- Threats
         Mentoring of basic level teachers by the advance   Teachers can work from home during times of   Technological resources such as computers and
         and experts. Advance and experts shall be tapped  scheduled online interaction; they can participate  internet connections are very expensive. Learners
         to help develop interactive assessment tools.   during webinars this May, June, and July while at   may not afford to have these facilities/resources.
         Recognition of ICT experts/ advance on their   home or in school; they can proceed in down-  Strengthen partnership with LGUs through SEF,
         willingness and effort exerted to upskill fellow   loading and contextualizing LRs; and they can   alumni association, private companies (BENECO,
         teachers                              participate in LR development.         ABOITIZ, Philex mines, HEDCOR etc).
         HRDC through the HRD may have to revisit the   The CID may have to work hand in hand with the   SMN, SGOD, ICTS and other active personnel
         HRMD Plan that was revised as part of the PSCP.   HRD in monitoring productivity and collaborative  may initiate the crafting of proposals for this con-
         Capacity building of teachers, non-teaching per-  effort shared by teachers  cern. SHS, SMN, YFP, GCs and EPS-SGOD and CID
         sonnel in the utilization of ICT to become more                              may have to prepare proposals to orient learners,
         effective and efficient.              The 14-day quarantine maybe imposed on per-  parents and teachers about the new normal.
                                               sons travelling from one place to another, teach-
         The willingness of teachers is manifested by   ing workforce in some schools will be affected.   Profiling of parents as to economic status,
         their cooperation in the development of mod-  This will be the challenge of face-to-face mode of  employment, SMN will monitor the profiling of
         ules scheduled last April and this month. This   delivery.                   parents by the schools
         will facilitate the availability of LRs which can be
         shared to everyone for teachers to contextualize   Therefore, there is a need to study teacher and   Government has a huge role to play in this
         their own. Recognition for teachers who took the   School Head reassignment / movement.  perspective by providing funds for providing
         initiative to upgrade / up skill themselves shall be                         such resources. With the lack of access to these
         initiated by the division.            PSDSs must be ready with the teacher reassign-  resources, it contributes to parents’ loss of
                                               ment and SH redeployment before June 1.  interest in enrolling their child to school, learners’
         CID will include this in determining activities and                          non-accessibility to school works, or even poor
         tasks under LCP. Webinar being conducted shall   The presence of ICT expert and advance teach-  relationships with peers or teachers.
         be adjustments of PPAs to prioritize module de-  ers can help facilitate the capability-building of
         velopment and to comply with the ECQ protocols,   intermediate teachers. On the other hand, even   ALS program will be tapped. Alternative Mode of
         tapped the expertise of trained resource persons   majority are at the intermediate level, this means   Teaching will apply to this situation. Stay at home
         in the preparation of modules, preparation of   that the teachers can be trainable to level up,  policy is still the best if face to face is not possible
         rubrics for the selection of best modules thru                               and with alternative modality at home like home
         memorandum,                           Mentoring of basic level teachers by the advance   study. Provision of home schooling in exploring
                                               and experts. Advance and experts shall be tapped   potential skills ,talents of learners such as paint-
         The readiness level of teachers denotes a chal-  to help develop interactive assessment tools.   ing, cooking and others may be encouraged and
         lenge, but at least with proper orientation and   Recognition of ICT experts/ advance on their   their outputs be recognized.
         discussion, there is possibility of engaging them   willingness and effort exerted to upskill fellow
         to increase their level of readiness.  teachers. HRDC through the HRD may have to   The presence of ICT expert and advance teach-
                                               revisit the HRMD Plan that was revised as part of   ers can help facilitate the capability-building of
         Utilize the readiness level to cluster teachers   the PSCP,                  intermediate teachers. On the other hand, even
         in a group learning session on topics such as                                majority are at the intermediate level, this means
         COVID-19, social distancing, new normal and etc.   The school heads have to identify the teachers   that the teachers can be trainable to level up
         The School Health Section may have to help lead   under this level so that they shall be given the
         in the dissemination involving teachers,  proper intervention by the school or the division.   Mentoring of basic level teachers by the advance
                                               With this, the teachers have to be exposed to   and experts. Advance and experts shall be tapped
         Setting of standards in determining work hours   computer-based teaching to be able to facilitate   to help develop interactive assessment tools.
         for teachers since it was observed that work from   computer-mediated learning successfully (Imme-  Recognition of ICT experts/ advance on their
         home consumes more time than when reporting   diate training is needed).     willingness and effort exerted to upskill fellow
         to office / school.                                                          teachers. HRDC through the HRD may have to
                                               Profiling of teachers and clustering them into   revisit the HRMD Plan that was revised as part of
         Schools with small number of enrolment can be   learning groups may make the task easier and the   the PSCP.
         manageable in terms of provision of printed LRs.   orientation or learning and development may be
         Their choice of actual face to face can still be   more systematic.          The willingness of teachers is manifested by
         reconsidered depending upon the situation and                                their cooperation in the development of mod-
         the LGU restrictions.                 The readiness level of teachers denotes a chal-  ules scheduled last April and this month. This
                                               lenge, but at least with proper orientation and   will facilitate the availability of LRs which can
         Profile the schools with small enrolment, no cell-  discussion, there is possibility of engaging them   be shared to everyone for teachers to contex-
         phone signal and their situational status as to the   to increase their level of readiness.  tualize their own. Recognition for teachers who
         effect of the pandemic.                                                      took the initiative to upgrade / up skill them-
                                                                                      selves shall be initiated by the division.
         Schools are encouraged to conduct mapping   Utilize the readiness level to cluster teachers
         of possible learners this June and July using   in a group learning session on topics such as   CID will include this in determining activities
         ICT. Drop-outs can be reached out by initiating   COVID-19, social distancing, new normal and   and tasks under LCP
         ADMs. Records keeping through ICT can identi-  etc. The School Health Section may have to help   Webinar: adjustment PPAs to prioritize module
         fy immediately learners who are at risk of failing  lead in the dissemination involving teachers.  development and to comply with the ECQ pro-
         or dropping.                                                                 tocols, tapped the expertise of trained resource
                                                                                      persons in the preparation of modules, prepara-
                                                                                      tion of rubrics for the selection of best modules
                                                                                      thru memorandum.

         Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 23
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