Page 30 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 30

Strength- Opportunities                Strength- Weaknesses                     Strength- Threats
         With alternative learning delivery mode im-  The willingness of teachers is manifested by   Accordingly, there are ADM modules being
         posed by DepEd CO, there is a greater chance   their cooperation in the development of mod-  developed. However, the quality assurance of
         for positive contributions to improve school   ules scheduled last April and this month. This   modules have to be done to ensure appropri-
         performance as regards dropout, promotion,   will facilitate the availability of LRs which can   ateness and completeness as a self-learning
         repetition, and national achievement rates  be shared to everyone for teachers to contex-  kit or teacher material to be shared with other
                                               tualize their own. Recognition for teachers who   teachers.
         CID, ALS, PSDSes and School Heads in partner-  took the initiative to upgrade / up skill them-
         ship with SGOD YFP and EPS-SGOD to deter-  selves shall be initiated by the division.   CID will have to constantly update the schools
         mine modalities, strategies and other initiatives  CID will include this in determining activities   on the development of LRs. They will have to
         to address this concern               and tasks under LCP                    spearhead this activity.
                                               Webinar: adjustment PPAs to prioritize module
         Strengthen partnership with service provid-  development and to comply with the ECQ pro-  Quality assurance of Learning Resources, pro-
         ers who have developed systems to deliver   tocols, tapped the expertise of trained resource   vision of TA to teacher-developers via various
         monitoring and access to learners’ data by the   persons in the preparation of modules, prepara-  media platforms, continuous provision of TA
         parents themselves.                   tion of rubrics for the selection of best modules   through coaching and mentoring to schools and
                                               thru memorandum,                       CLCs, Uploading of quality assured LRs to the
          ICTS and CID to work hand in hand in this                                   SDO landing portal,
         concern.                              The school heads have to identify the teachers
                                               under this level so that they shall be given the   The readiness level of teachers denotes a chal-
         Accordingly, there are ADM modules being   proper intervention by the school or the division  lenge, but at least with proper orientation and
         developed. However, the quality assurance of   for them to be open to changes and adopt new   discussion, there is possibility of engaging them
         modules has to be done to ensure appropri-  ways of instructional mode of delivery.   to increase their level of readiness.
         ateness and completeness as a self-learning
         kit or teacher material to be shared with other   Profiling of teachers and grouping them into   Utilize the readiness level to cluster teachers
         teachers. CID will have to constantly update the  learning communities through the school heads  in a group learning session on topics such as
         schools on the development of LRs. They will   and School Health Section most especially if the  COVID-19, social distancing, new normal and etc.
         have to spearhead this activity.      readiness is affected by the teachers’ knowl-  The School Health Section may have to help lead
                                               edge about the pandemic.               in the dissemination involving teachers
         Quality assurance of Learning Resources, pro-
         vision of TA to teacher-developers via various   Schools with small number of enrolment can   SMN, SHS, ICTS and CID will work hand in hand
         media platforms, continuous provision of TA   be manageable in terms of provision of printed   in capacitating parents
         through coaching and mentoring to schools and  LRs. Their choice of actual face to face can still
         CLCs, uploading of quality assured LRs to the   be reconsidered depending upon the situation   The skills gap that exist between a skilled teacher
         SDO landing portal, study of essential tasks and  and the LGU restrictions.  and the external stakeholder is significant. Gaps
         essential competencies which can be the basis                                include parents/guardian being employed or
         of scheduling WFH scheme to deliver teaching   Profile the schools with small enrolment, no   unemployed, educated or uneducated, young or
         and learning services.                cellphone signal and their situational status as to   old, and skilled or unskilled. These impose the
                                               the effect of the pandemic.            efficiency of the teaching mode.
         This can be done by the CID in partnership with
         school heads and potential teachers.   Virtual monitoring and evaluation may be   SMN, SHS, ICTS and CID will work hand in hand
                                               conducted but on limited aspects only. (Onsite   in capacitating parents
         Prioritizing research and innovation to guide   monitoring may be conducted for critical areas),
         teachers and school heads even the manage-                                   Distance learning and online education may be
         ment in contextualizing issuances and to guide   Procurement of materials which can be used to   successful in urbanized areas than in rural areas,
         schools in documenting, assessing and evaluating  monitor online teaching-learning activities at   where data signal and electricity are unavail-
         effectiveness of these technologies. Planning and  home or in school.        able. Online learning is not a possibility, limiting
         Research section may consider this content as an                             options for mode of teaching. Thus, last mile
         avenue of basic research or action research. Inno-  Explore other possible ways to connect with the   schools should prepare digitized and printed
         vation topics may have to be identified through   schools like subscription to radio airtime.   modules and the like for home study.
         the CID and SMME.                                                            CID, ICTS and SGOD shall cooperate and coor-
                                               ICTS may help in devising monitoring initiatives   dinate by identifying tasks and activities each
         Development of learning materials and assess-  so that the SDO can still perform their mandate  of them will undertake in order to address this
         ment tools to maximize ICT in delivering distance                            concern.
         learning or face to face learning, governance of   Accordingly, there are ADM modules being devel-
         education such as reporting of liquidation status,   oped. However, the quality assurance of modules  Schools with small number of enrolment can be
         enrolment strategies, submission of reports /   have to be done to ensure appropriateness and   manageable in terms of provision of printed LRs.
         accomplishments / required documents, and   completeness as a self-learning kit or teacher   Their choice of actual face to face can still be
         others. CID and ICTS in partnership with expert   material to be shared with other teachers.  reconsidered depending upon the situation and
         and advanced teachers may have to initiate or                                the LGU restrictions.
         spearhead in this topic.              CID will have to constantly update the schools on
                                               the development of LRs. They will have to spear-  Profile the schools with small enrolment, no
         The cooperation and collaboration of SDO per-  head this activity.           cellphone signal and their situational status as to
         sonnel with the field personnel strengthens the                              the effect of the pandemic.
         concept of IYAMAN and Binnadang as highlight   Quality assurance of Learning Resources, pro-
         the SDO initiative and this has to be documented  vision of TA to teacher-developers via various
         also through the SMME.                media platforms, continuous provision of TA
                                               through coaching and mentoring to schools and
                                               CLCs, Uploading of quality assured LRs to the
                                               SDO landing portal.

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