Page 35 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 35

Opportunities-Weaknesses       Opportunities- Threats                       Weakness-Threats
         SPED Coordinator, CID, School Heads   Since corona viruses can be trans-  The Child Protection Committee, , School Health Section, Youth Formation
         of schools offering SPEd classes in   mitted from person to person,   Personnel and Guidance Counselors may come together and devise a plan to
         consultation with the RO may devise   through contact of respiratory   start orienting learners about the new normal, distance learning and the threats
         a schedule of learners considering all   droplet/aerosols. In case a surge   of Covid 19.
         logistics of bringing learners to school   happens, quarantine facilities are   Not all learners and parents will be updated with new practices that DepEd is
         and how they can get home safely   as important to isolate spread   adopting. Widening the scope of communication channel can be considered –
         without being exposed to the threat of  of the virus. Schools can be   example, involving local radio stations.
         COVID 19.                      recommended for use only when
                                        no other facilities are available.   Profiling of schools which can be served by the AM or FM stations and the possi-
         Schools are encouraged to conduct   Municipalities with few or limited   ble partnership with these stations shall be initiated by the SMME
         mapping of possible learners this June   facilities are forced to prompt
         and July using ICT. Drop-outs can be   school activities to be halted and   Primarily, if the signal is weak or intermittent in the area, online learning is not a
         reached out by initiating ADMs. Re-  schools may have to be used as   possibility limiting options for mode of teaching. The teacher may have to make
                                                                    use of printed modules and strengthen partnership with parents in the distribu-
         cords keeping through ICT can identify  quarantine facilities instead. In   tion and retrieval of modules.
         immediately learners who are at risk of  such a case, schools should be
         failing or dropping.           prepared to go on home study   CID to consider in the planning the availability of modules ready for printing
         With alternative learning delivery   with applicable modalities such
         mode imposed by DepEd CO, there is   as offline with the use of printed   Accounting section shall check the SOBs if the schools preferred printed modules
         a greater chance for positive contribu-  materials.        and yet, the materials to be bought are different.
         tions to improve school performance
         as regards dropout, promotion, repeti-  Setting up of protocol to be   Reliability of technological equipment like hardware failures, incompatible soft-
                                                                    ware between home and school, and poor internet connectivity is a hindrance to
         tion, and national achievement rates.  initiated through the SHS, SMN,   its utilization. Upgrading of ICT equipment through MOOE or in partnership with
                                        ICTS and CID in partnership   willing sponsors.
         CID, ALS, PSDSes and School Heads   with parents and LGU to be able
         in partnership with SGOD YFP and   determine steps to be under-  ICTS to provide authentic and official data determining the connectivity of
         EPS-SGOD to determine modalities,   taken by parents in case there   schools as to texting, calls, messenger, FB, email...
         strategies and other initiatives to   is disruption of classes. proper
         address this concern.          coordination shall be prioritized   Less or low enrolment in the barangay since few students / pupils will be enrolled
                                        but again, SDO shall lay down the   and school performance will also be affected or percentage of school enrol-
                                                                    ment might go down. The transition may discourage or affect the motivation of
         Strengthen partnership with service   conditions on the continuity of   learners.
         providers who have developed sys-  learning.
         tems to deliver monitoring and access                      Coordination with barangay in the monitoring of school age children to be en-
         to learners’ data by the parents them-  Setting of standards in determin-  rolled in schools within the locality. Information dissemination through print and
         selves  ICTS and CID to work hand in   ing work hours for teachers since   online to be initiated by the SMN, YFP, GCs, Sports Coordinator.
         hand in this concern.          it was observed that work from
                                        home consumes more time than   Strengthen partnership with telecommunication companies
                                        when reporting to office / school.
                                                                    Face to face classes with limited number of students may be allowed in a weekly
                                                                    basis or as needed to avoid the stagnation of social, cognitive, and physical
                                        Provision of internet load or   development among these learners.
                                        cellphone load for teachers to
                                        use in connecting with learners,   SPED Coordinator, CID, School Heads of schools offering SPEd classes in con-
                                        teachers, school head       sultation with the RO may devise a schedule of learners considering all logistics
                                                                    of bringing learners to school and how they can get home safely without being
                                        Distance learning and online ed-  exposed to the threat of COVID 19
                                        ucation may be successful in ur-  SMN, CPC, SHS, CID shall work together in initiating an activity to capacitate
                                        banized areas than in rural areas,   parents about the new normal.
                                        where data signal and electricity   The nature of anonymity in the online environment may allow more students,
                                        are unavailable. Online learning is  who otherwise do not want to attend face to face classes because of their shy
                                        not a possibility, limiting options   personality, to participate in online education where they do not physically see
                                        for mode of teaching. Thus, last   each other. (Online Education and Its Effective Practice, SUN &CHEN 2016.
                                        mile schools should prepare dig-
                                        itized and printed modules and   Learners may not be technology savvy. As a result, even if the technological
                                        the like for home study.    resources like tablet are made available, they do not utilize these resources because
                                                                    they are unable to operate them.
                                        CID, ICTS and SGOD shall cooper-  Profiling of learners who may have opted for online learning but are not ICT savvy,
                                        ate and coordinate by identifying   hence, there is a need to engage them earlier before the start of classes. ICTS may
                                        tasks and activities each of them   have to determine the teachers who may be able to engage learners in addressing
                                        will undertake in order to address   this.
                                        this concern.
                                                                    Parent and teacher conferences on the conduct of blended and home study ap-
                                                                    proach is a must for teacher or the learner.
                                        HRD will check on the HRMD
                                        Plan of the division for possible

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 29
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