Page 40 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 40

2. Set feasible   1. Intensive  1.1. Provide TA in  Supervice the  1.1 All   June 2020   Human resources:
                       mechanisms      instruction- the utilization of   utilization of   schools   to April   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                       that would pro-  al super-  learning modules  the learning   provided with  2021  Chief, Learning Area
                                                                                                   EPSs, PSDSs, LR
                       vide guidance in  vi-sion to   appropriate to the  modules in   TA on the   Staff, ITO, School
                       bridging equitable  all public   different learning   each grade   utilization   Heads and teachers
                       access to edu-  and private  modality     level       of learning
                       cation through   schools and                          modules               Materials: Internet,
                                                                                                   ICT equipment/
                       multiple means   learning                             appropriate           gadgets
                       of teaching and   centers us-                         to the differ-
                       learning        ing different                         ent learning
                                       modalities                            modality.
                                                 a. Monitor adop- Submit re-  a. No. of   June 2020   Human resources:
                                                 tion or enhance- port on adop- schools with  to April   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning Area
                                                 ment of the     tion and en-  reports on   2021   EPSs, PSDSs, LR
                                                 contextualized   hance-ment  adoption             Staff, ITO, School
                                                 modules at the   of learning   and en-            Heads and teachers
                                                 school level    modules     hancement             Materials:
                                                                             of the con-
                                                                             textualized           Internet, ICT equip-
                                                                             modules for           ment/ gadgets
                                                                             their learn-
                                                 b. Monitor the   Submit     b. All      June to   Human resources:
                                                 conduct appro-  report on the  schools im- April 2020  SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning Area
                                                 priate interven-  conduct of   plementing         EPSs, PSDSs, LR
                                                 tions for learn-  learning in-  appropriate       Staff, ITO, School
                                                 ers who are at   terven-tions  interven-          Heads and teachers
                                                 risk of failing or   highlighting  tions for      Materials:
                                                 dropping.       the different  learners
                                                                 modalities   who are              Internet, ICT equip-
                                                                                                   ment/ gadgets
                                                                 of remedial   at risk of
                                                                 sessions    failing or
                                                                             (e.g. DORP,
                                                                             thon, DEAR,
                                                 c. Monitor the   Submit     c. No. of   June 2020   Human resources:
                                                 conduct flexi-  report on the  schools   – April   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning Area
                                                 ble/ Alternative  utilization of  with reports  2021  EPSs, PSDSs, LR
                                                 learning options  flexible learn- on FLOs         Staff, ITO, School
                                                 to continue     ing options   implement-          Heads and teachers
                                                 teaching and                ed when               Materials: Internet,
                                                 learning when               face-to-face          ICT equipment/
                                                 face-to-face                learning is           gadgets
                                                 learning is not             not allowed.
                                                 1.2. Conduct    Report      1.2. All    June 2020   Human resources:
                                                 Intensive school  number of   schools with  – April   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning
                                                 supervision for   failures and  reported   2021   Area EPSs, PSDSs,
                                                 schools and pro- remedial   failures              SMME, ITO, School
                                                 vide TA for those   lessons con-  during          Heads and teachers
                                                 with reported   ducted      DMEA                  Materials: Internet,
                                                 failures during             supervised            ICT equipment/
                                                 DMEA.                       and given             gadgets

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