Page 39 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 39

3.3. Provide TA   Participate   3.3 All   May to Aug   Human re-
                                                 to schools on the  in webinars   schools   2020    sources:
                                                                                                    SDS, ASDS,
                                                 different modality  or telecon-  provided          CID-Chief,
                                                 of learning.    fe-rences   with TA                Learning Area
                                                                                                    EPSs, PSDSs,
                                                                 about learn-                       LR Staff, ITO,
                                                                 ing modalities                     School Heads
                                                                                                    and teachers

                                                                                                    Materials: Inter-
                                                                                                    net, ICT equip-
                                                                                                    ment/ gadgets
                                                 3.4. Provide TA  Prepare    3.4 Ap-     June 2020   Human resources:
                                                 in the prepa-   learning    propriate   – April   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning Area
                                                 ration of class-  plans of   learning   2021      EPSs, PSDSs, LR
                                                 room programs/  teachers    modalities            Staff, ITO, School
                                                 learning pro-   using the   implement-            Heads and teachers
                                                 grams appro-    different   ed in the             Materials: Internet,
                                                 priate for each   modalities  schools.            ICT equipment/
                                                 3.5. Involve    Ensure that  3.5 All ICT   Aug 2020   Human resources:
                                                 trained teachers  all teachers   capacitat-  – April   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning Area
                                                 in school activi- in the school  ed/    2021      EPSs, PSDSs, LR
                                                 ties to capacitate  participated                  Staff, ITO, School
                                                 other teachers   in the webi-  trained            Heads and teachers
                                                 on the utiliza-  nars       teachers              Materials: Internet,
                                                 tion of distance            shared                ICT equipment/
                                                 learning.                   knowledge             gadgets
                                                                             and served
                                                                             as resource
                                                                             speakers to
                                                                             on the
                                                                             utilization of
                                                 3.6. Track learn- Submit    3.6 All     June 2020   Human resources:
                                                 ers based from   tracking of   schools   to August   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning Area
                                                 SF4 of previous  learners   submitted   2020      EPSs, PSDSs, PR,
                                                 enrollment by               report on             ITO, School Heads
                                                 class advisers.             tracking              and teachers
                                                                             of learners           Materials: Internet,
                                                                             (online/              ICT equipment/
                                                                             offline).             gadgets
                                                 3.7. Monitor    Identify    3.7 All     June 2020   Human resources:
                                                 teachers and    the learn-  schools     to April   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning Area
                                                 school heads on  ing needs   monitored   2021     EPSs, PSDSs, LR
                                                 their ICT level of  of teachers   on the          Staff, ITO, School
                                                 upskilling.     based on ICT   utilization of     Heads and teachers
                                                                 level of com-  ICT.               Materials: Internet,
                                                                 petency                           ICT equipment/

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