Page 34 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 34
Opportunities-Weaknesses Opportunities- Threats Weakness-Threats
Study of essential tasks and essential compe- Prioritizing research and innovation to guide Setting up of protocol to be initiated through
tencies which can be the basis of scheduling teachers and school heads even the manage- the SHS, SMN, ICTS and CID in partnership with
WFH scheme to deliver teaching and learning ment in contextualizing issuances and to guide parents and LGU to be able determine steps
services. This can be done by the CID in partner- schools in documenting, assessing and evaluat- to be undertaken by parents in case there is
ship with school heads and potential teachers. ing effectiveness of these technologies. disruption of classes. proper coordination shall
be prioritized but again, SDO shall lay down the
Prioritizing research and innovation to guide Planning and Research section may consider conditions on the continuity of learning
teachers and school heads even the manage- this content as an avenue of basic research or
ment in contextualizing issuances and to guide action research. Innovation topics may have to PSDSs must be ready with the teacher reassign-
schools in documenting, assessing and evaluat- be identified through the CID and SMME. ment and SH redeployment before June 1.
ing effectiveness of these technologies
Development of learning materials and For the schools to prioritize utilization of MOOE
Planning and Research section may consider assessment tools to maximize ICT in deliver- and reflect this in their WFP/ SOB.
this content as an avenue of basic research or ing distance learning or face to face learning,
action research. Innovation topics may have to governance of education such as reporting of Accounting section shall provide TA to schools
be identified through the CID and SMME. liquidation status, enrolment strategies, submis- on this matter.
sion of reports / accomplishments / required
Development of learning materials and documents, and others Distance learning may reduce transportation
assessment tools to maximize ICT in deliver- cost and food allowance incurred by parents
ing distance learning or face to face learning, CID and ICTS in partnership with expert and when their children go to school.
governance of education such as reporting of advanced teachers may have to initiate or
liquidation status, enrolment strategies, submis- spearhead in this topic. This may become part of advocacy material or a
sion of reports / accomplishments / required study to be conducted.
documents, and others SMN, SHS, ICTS and CID will work hand in hand
in capacitating parents With the start or adjustment on the implemen-
CID and ICTS in partnership with expert and tation of alternative learning delivery mode, it
advanced teachers may have to initiate or The skills gap that exist between a skilled teach- will be labor intensive for teachers. Instead of
spearhead in this topic. er and the external stakeholder is significant. having one lesson done in one setting, it may be
Gaps include parents/guardian being employed done multiple times to attend to smaller groups
Communication gap or problems may occur due or unemployed, educated or uneducated, young of learners in either online or actual face to face
to dependence with telecommunication gad- or old, and skilled or unskilled. These impose the interaction. School heads and CID shall study
gets or equipment especially to those learners, efficiency of the teaching mode. ways and means which can be recommended
parents, and teachers or school personnel who for adoption by teachers.
are not inclined with the use of such. Therefore, SMN, SHS, ICTS and CID will work hand in hand
there is a need to profile the parents who prefer in capacitating parents Teachers may be capacitated on how to prepare
online mode for them to be given the proper syllabus to guide them in scheduling their learn-
orientation or training. Capacity building of teachers, non-teaching per- ing sessions. This can be one content of learning
sonnel in the utilization of ICT to become more and development to be initiated through the
The Child Protection Committee, , School effective and efficient. CID and HRD.
Health Section, Youth Formation Personnel and
Guidance Counselors may come together and Schools are encouraged to conduct mapping Distance learning and online education may be
devise a plan to start orienting learners about of possible learners this June and July using successful in urbanized areas than in rural areas,
the new normal, distance learning and the ICT. Drop-outs can be reached out by initiating where data signal and electricity are unavail-
threats of Covid 19. ADMs. Records keeping through ICT can identi- able. Online learning is not a possibility, limiting
fy immediately learners who are at risk of failing options for mode of teaching. Thus, last mile
Not all learners and parents will be updated with or dropping. schools should prepare digitized and printed
new practices that DepEd is adopting. Widen- modules and the like for home study.
ing the scope of communication channel can With alternative learning delivery mode im- CID, ICTS and SGOD shall cooperate and coor-
be considered – example, involving local radio posed by DepEd CO, there is a greater chance dinate by identifying tasks and activities each
stations. for positive contributions to improve school of them will undertake in order to address this
performance as regards to dropout, promotion, concern.
Profiling of schools which can be served by the repetition, and national achievement rates.
AM or FM stations and the possible partnership Communication gap or problems may occur due
with these stations shall be initiated by the CID, ALS, PSDSes and School Heads in partner- to dependence with telecommunication gad-
SMME ship with SGOD YFP and EPS-SGOD to deter- gets or equipment especially to those learners,
mine modalities, strategies and other initiatives parents, and teachers or school personnel who
Provision of internet load or cellphone load for to address this concern. are not inclined with the use of such. Therefore,
teachers to use in connecting with learners, there is a need to profile the parents who prefer
teachers, school head Strengthen partnership with service provid- online mode for them to be given the proper
ers who have developed systems to deliver orientation or training.
Face to face classes with limited number of monitoring and access to learners’ data by the
students may be allowed in a weekly basis or parents themselves.
as needed to avoid the stagnation of social,
cognitive, and physical development among ICTS and CID to work hand in hand in this
these learners. concern.