Page 31 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 31
Strength- Opportunities Strength- Weaknesses Strength- Threats
Wider and better quality service of education to For the schools to prioritize utilization of MOOE SMN, CPC, SHS, CID shall work together in
all schools in the Division will be provided with and reflect this in their WFP/ SOB. initiating an activity to capacitate parents about
the presence of available and accessible partners the new normal.
who may help in attaining the mission, vision, Accounting section shall provide TA to schools on
and goals of SDO Benguet-DepEd. this matter. The nature of anonymity in the online environ-
ment may allow more students, who otherwise
Strengthen partnership and linkages program of Distance learning may reduce transportation do not want to attend face to face classes
SDO Benguet through the Social Mobilization cost and food allowance incurred by parents because of their shy personality, to participate
and Networking unit of SGOD and the full sup- when their children go to school. in online education where they do not physically
port of all involved in the division. see each other. (Online Education and Its Effec-
This may become part of advocacy material or a tive Practice, SUN &CHEN 2016
study to be conducted.
Profiling of learners who preferred online deliv-
With the start or adjustment on the implemen- ery mode to determine personality and then for
tation of alternative learning delivery mode, it the YFP, GCs, SHS to initiate activities to address
will be labor intensive for teachers. Instead of such concerns. Adopt the resolution of barangay
having one lesson done in one setting, it may be for interconnectivity of schools, barangay halls,
done multiple times to attend to smaller groups health stations, day care centers and the like
of learners in either online or actual face to face SMN and ICTS may have to validate or verify
interaction. School heads and CID shall study it there are such kind of resolution and for the
ways and means which can be recommended division to consider the adoption or recognition
for adoption by teachers. of such initiatives
Teachers may be capacitated on how to prepare The cooperation and collaboration of SDO per-
syllabus to guide them in scheduling their learn- sonnel with the field personnel strengthens the
ing sessions. This can be one content of learning concept of IYAMAN and Binnadang.
and development to be initiated through the Binnadang and IYAMAN shall highlight the SDO
CID and HRD. initiative and this has to be documented also
through the SMME.
The cooperation and collaboration of SDO per-
sonnel with the field personnel strengthens the Since corona viruses can be transmitted from
concept of IYAMAN and Binnadang. person to person, through contact of respira-
tory droplet/aerosols. In case a surge happens,
Binnadang and IYAMAN shall highlight the SDO quarantine facilities are as important to isolate
initiative and this has to be documented also spread of the virus. Schools can be recom-
through the SMME mended for use only when no other facilities
are available. Municipalities with few or limited
Virtual monitoring and evaluation may be facilities are forced to prompt school activities
conducted but on limited aspects only. (Onsite to be halted and schools may have to be used as
monitoring may be conducted for critical areas). quarantine facilities instead.
Procurement of materials which can be used to In such a case, schools should be prepared to go
monitor online teaching-learning activities at on home study with applicable modalities such as
home or in school. offline with the use of printed materials.
Explore other possible ways to connect with the Setting up of protocol to be initiated through
schools like subscription to radio airtime. the SHS, SMN, ICTS and CID in partnership with
parents and LGU to be able determine steps to be
ICTS may help in devising monitoring initiatives undertaken by parents in case there is disruption
so that the SDO can still perform their mandate. of classes. proper coordination shall be prioritized
but again, SDO shall lay down the conditions on
the continuity of learning.