Page 33 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 33
Opportunities-Weaknesses Opportunities- Threats Weakness-Threats
With this, the teachers have to be exposed to Profiling of parents as to economic status, The school heads have to identify the teach-
computer-based teaching to be able to facilitate employment ers under this level so that they shall be given
computer-mediated learning successfully (Im- the proper intervention by the school or the
mediate training is needed). SMN will monitor the profiling of parents by the division.
Profiling of teachers and clustering them into With this, the teachers have to be exposed to
learning groups may make the task easier and Government has a huge role to play in this per- computer-based teaching to be able to facilitate
the orientation or learning and development spective by providing funds for providing such computer-mediated learning successfully (Im-
may be more systematic. resources. mediate training is needed).
The school heads have to identify the teachers With the lack of access to these resources, it Profiling of teachers and clustering them into
under this level so that they shall be given the contributes to parents’ loss of interest in enroll- learning groups may make the task easier and
proper intervention by the school or the division ing their child to school, learners’ non-accessi- the orientation or learning and development
for them to be open to changes and adopt new bility to school works, or even poor relationships may be more systematic.
ways of instructional mode of delivery. with peers or teachers.
The school heads have to identify the teachers
Profiling of teachers and grouping them into SHS, SMN, YFP, GCs and EPS-SGOD and CID under this level so that they shall be given the
learning communities through the school heads may have to prepare proposals to orient learn- proper intervention by the school or the division
and School Health Section most especially if the ers, parents and teachers about the new normal. for them to be open to changes and adopt new
readiness is affected by the teachers’ knowledge ways of instructional mode of delivery.
about the pandemic. ALS program will be tapped. Alternative Mode
of Teaching will apply to this situation. Stay at Profiling of teachers and grouping them into
Capacity building of teachers, non-teaching per- home policy is still the best if face to face is not learning communities through the school heads
sonnel in the utilization of ICT to become more possible and with alternative modality at home and School Health Section most especially if the
effective and efficient like home study. Provision of home schooling readiness is affected by the teachers’ knowledge
in exploring potential skills ,talents of learners about the pandemic.
The 14-day quarantine maybe imposed on per- such as painting, cooking and others may be SMN, SHS, ICTS and CID will work hand in hand
sons travelling from one place to another, teach- encouraged and their outputs be recognized. in capacitating parents
ing workforce in some schools will be affected.
This will be the challenge of face-to-face mode Setting of parameters, guidelines, safety nets, The skills gap that exist between a skilled teach-
of delivery. precautionary measures to safeguard children er and the external stakeholder is significant.
Therefore, there is a need to study teacher and against the threat of cyberbullying, cybercrime, Gaps include parents/guardian being employed
School Head reassignment / movement. mental health. or unemployed, educated or uneducated, young
CPC, Legal officer, GCs, YFPs, EPS of SGOD, or old, and skilled or unskilled. These impose the
PSDSs must be ready with the teacher reassign- SMME, PTA will have to come together in this efficiency of the teaching mode.
ment and SH redeployment before June 1. concern.
SMN, SHS, ICTS and CID will work hand in hand
Orientation of parents, teachers, learners about SMN, CPC, SHS, CID shall work together in in capacitating parents
data consumption, utilization of online materi- initiating an activity to capacitate parents about
als that require data, safety precautions, child the new normal. The 14-day quarantine maybe imposed on per-
protection policies, data privacy and others. sons travelling from one place to another, teach-
The nature of anonymity in the online environ- ing workforce in some schools will be affected.
Virtual monitoring and evaluation may be ment may allow more students, who otherwise This will be the challenge of face-to-face mode
conducted but on limited aspects only. (Onsite do not want to attend face to face classes of delivery.
monitoring may be conducted for critical areas) because of their shy personality, to participate
in online education where they do not physically Therefore, there is a need to study teacher and
Procurement of materials which can be used to see each other. (Online Education and Its Effec- School Head reassignment / movement.
monitor online teaching-learning activities at tive Practice, SUN &CHEN 2016.
home or in school. ICTS may help in devising monitoring initiatives
Profiling of learners who preferred online deliv- so that the SDO can still perform their mandate.
Explore other possible ways to connect with the ery mode to determine personality and then for
schools like subscription to radio airtime. the YFP, GCs, SHS to initiate activities to address Since corona viruses can be transmitted from
such concerns person to person, through contact of respira-
ICTS may help in devising monitoring initiatives tory droplet/aerosols. In case a surge happens,
so that the SDO can still perform their mandate adopt the resolution of barangay for intercon- quarantine facilities are as important to isolate
nectivity of schools, barangay halls, health spread of the virus. Schools can be recom-
Setting of standards in determining work hours stations, day care centres and the like mended for use only when no other facilities
for teachers since it was observed that work are available. Municipalities with few or limited
from home consumes more time than when SMN and ICTS may have to validate or verify facilities are forced to prompt school activities
reporting to office / school. it there are such kind of resolution and for the to be halted and schools may have to be used
division to consider the adoption or recognition as quarantine facilities instead. In such a case,
of such initiatives schools should be prepared to go on home study
with applicable modalities such as offline with
Study of essential tasks and essential compe- the use of printed materials.
tencies which can be the basis of scheduling
WFH scheme to deliver teaching and learning
services. This can be done by the CID in partner-
ship with school heads and potential teachers.