Page 19 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 19

The Schools Division of Benguet have also anticipated      The quantifiers and definition used are as follows:
        the possibility that not all teachers are ready to engage
        themselves to the process deemed required by any of            Basic (Limited experience, you have the level of ex-
        the alternative learning delivery mode applicable for          perience gained in a classroom and/or experimental
        SY 2020-2021. Several teachers have been comfortable           scenarios or as a trainee on-the-job. You are expected
        with the traditional way of teaching and are still having      to need help when performing ICT competency)
        difficulty in understanding and accepting change. One
        reason behind this is their level of readiness and level of    Intermediate (You are able to successfully complete
        ICT competency.                                                tasks with the use of ICT as requested. Help from an
                                                                       expert may be required from time to time, but you
        Table 10 shows the level of ICT competency of all the          can usually perform the skill independently)
        school personnel in the Schools Division of Benguet. The
        data clearly reveals that school personnel’s ICT compe-        Advance (You can perform the actions associated
        tency ranges from None to Expert. It was assumed that          with the use of ICT without assistance. You are cer-
        school personnel who have signified that they do not           tainly recognized within your immediate organiza-
        know their level of ICT competency still needs the guid-       tion as "a person to ask" when difficult questions arise
        ance of experts or ICT coordinators with the leadership        regarding ICT concerns)
        of the Schools Division to help them identify what level
        they really belong. This intervention will be of advantage     Expert (You are known as an expert in this area. You
        in determining the action of districts and the SDO in ca-      can provide guidance, troubleshoot and answer ques-
        pacitating or orienting school personnel in need.              tions related to this area of expertise and the field
                                                                       where ICT competence is used)
        Table 10. SDO Benguet Personnel Level of ICT Competency

                                    Basic          Intermediate        Advance            Expert
              DISTRICT                                                                                  NONE       TOTAL
                                Competency        Competency)        Competency        competency
                       ATOK          44                 99                44                 2             2        191

                     BAKUN           82                 98                19                 1             3        203
                   BUGUIAS           123               279                54                 9             4        469

                     BOKOD           73                 87                14                 0            41        215
                   ITOGON I          81                164                41                 0             8        294

                   ITOGON 2          87                103                17                 3             0        210
                   KABAYAN           50                134                27                 0             1        212

                 KAPANGAN            100               120                35                 2             1        258
                  KIBUNGAN           82                 88                25                 1             1        197

                LA TRINIDAD          218               338                104                2            31        693
                 MANKAYAN            214               180                43                 4            43        484

                    SABLAN           32                 68                15                 1             1        117
                     TUBLAY          73                154                14                 8             5        254
                       TUBA          107               143                61                 6            25        342

             TOTAL SP               1366               2055               513               39           166       4139
                  %                  33               49.65              12.39             0.94          4.01       100

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 13
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