Page 50 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 50

1.2. Check RPMS    Submit report  1.2. 2019-  -do-   -do-
                                                submission thru the   of online sub-  2020 IPCRF/
                                                PMT secretariat for the  mission    OPCRF Rating
                                                assessment of IPCRF/           of all School-
                                                OPCRF of all SDO               based Person-
                                                Personnel.                     nel checked
                                                                               and recorded.
                                                1.3. Provide technical  Draft the   1.3. All   -do-  -do-
                                                assistance to schools   IPCRF of   schools pro-
                                                on planning for their   teachers and   vided with TA
                                                IPCRF / OPCRF      OPCRF of the  and were mon-
                                                                   SH for 2020-  itored on their
                                                                   2021        planning for
                                                                               2020-2021 IP-
                                                                               CRF / OPCRF
                                                1.4. Conduct PMT   Conduct se-  1.4. Quarter-  -do-  SDO MOOE
                                                review, adjustment,   mestral review  ly review of
                                                coaching, and rating   of teachers’   RPMS Cycle     Human Re-
                                                for SDO Personnel  IPCRF       for SDO per-          source such
                                                                               sonnel                as HRD, PMT,
                                                                               *IPCRF Rating         OSDS, CID,
                                                                               and MOVs              and SGOD
                                                                               ready for
                                                                               evaluation by
                                                                               January 2021
                                                                               *OPCRF and
                                                                               MOVs of SDS
                                                                               ready for com-
                                      2. Intensive  2.1. Expand the scope  Conduct   2.1. Con-  June 2020  HRDS
                                      campaign   of the R and R to in-  school R&R  textualized   – April 2021
                                      on wellness,  clude the following:       Policy on R&R,        SEDOE Com-
                                      well-being                               addendum to           mittee
                                      and for   a. engagement of               DM 078, s.
                                      performing  teachers on the prepa-       2020 Invento-         All employees
                                      well      ration of LRs                  ry of awardees
                                                b. Coaching/ men-
                                                toring of co-teachers
                                                on ICT
                                                c. creativity and re-
                                                sourcefulness on the
                                                development of IEC
                                                materials and imple-
                                                mentation of advocacy

                                                d. Self-initiative of
                                                teachers and other
                                                personnel to upskill
                                                themselves and be
                                                able to be effective and
                                                efficient in this new
                                                normal set-up.
                                                2.2 Receive required           2.2 processed  May 2020 –  OSDS – Per-
                                                documents online               all received   April 2021  sonnel Office
                                                (leaves, step incre-           documents on
                                                ment, return to duty,          time
                                                etc.) for processing

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