Page 51 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 51

2.3 Render continuous  Submit online  2.3. Month-  May 2020 –  OSDS – Per-
                                                technical assistance to  applications   ly technical   April 2021  sonnel Office
                                                all clients through our  on travel,   assistance
                                                FB (SDO-Benguet Per- leaves and   rendered to all
                                                sonnel Section) page   others  clients
                                                and section/unit email
                                                account thru but not
                                                limited to uploading of
                                                forms (Form 6, Return
                                                to Duty, etc)
                      3. Develop and   1. Re-   1.1. Conduct compar-  Submit re-  1.1. 2020-  May 2020 –  OSDS Person-
                      implement ca-   cruit-ment,  ative review for teacher  ports on va-  2021 CAR/  April 2021  nel Section
                      reer progression   Selection,   applicants (RQA) in   cancy, teacher  RQA approved
                      opportunities   and Place-  preparation for filling   shortage
                                      ment      up of new teacher
                                                items to be given by
                                                CO in the division.
         Pillar 4: Engagement of Stakeholders for support and collaboration
                                                    Strategies    Activities  Expected
             KRA         Objectives    Strategies                                         Timeline   Resources    Remarks
                                                     Division      Schools     Results
         Building Part- 1. Institu-    1. Sus-   1.1. Provide    Submit real   1.1. All   May2020 –  YFP, DRRM,
         nerships and  tiona-lize re-  taina-ble   Remote and/   time data to  learners   April 2021 SHS, Guidance
         Linkages      sponsive en-    part-     or Face-to-face   the DO and   and affected       Counselors,
                       gagement for    ner-ship   Psychological   participate   personnel          PFA-Trained
                       education       with stake- First Aid (PFA)   in the PFA or   during di-    DepEd person-
                                       hol-ders   and Psycho-    PSP         saster were           nel
                                                 social Support              provided
                                                 (PSP) to affected           with PFA
                                                 learners and
                                                 DepEd person-
                                                 1.2. Conduct of   Coordinate   100% Atten- May-Ju-  YFP, SHS,
                                                 Evaluation Meet-  with the SDO  dance and   ly2020  SMN
                                                 ing and Debriefing   concerned   Participa-
                                                 Session for Psy-  personnel   tion of PSP
                                                 chosocial Support   and submit   and PFA
                                                 and Psychological   real time   Providers
                                                                 report for
                                                 First Aid Provid-  immediate   Counselors,
                                                 ers dubbed as,   action     YF Coordi-
                                                 “Kamustahan via             nators and
                                                 Telecon”                    Nurses)
                                                                             6 Meetings
                                                                             and debrief-
                                                                             ing sessions
                                                                             (twice per
                                                                             6 Accom-
                                                                             plished and
                                                                             minutes of
                                                                             the meeting
                                                                             to the DQR-
                                                                             RT Team

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