Page 56 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 56

3. Supervises the   3.1 Profile schools on ICT infrastruc-  3.1. Database on ICT infrastructure and
         operation of all   ture (printers, tablets, connectivity –   connectivity of all schools is updated
         public and private  internet, SMS, broadcast media)  and available for planning and monitor-  ✓ ✓
         schools and learn-                          ing purposes
         ing centers
                         3.2. Review online AIPs of schools and  3.2. All reviewed AIPs and WFPs are
                         check if priority needs related to LCP   evaluated and approved   50%  50%
                         are being addressed
                         3.3. Monitor utilization of ICT/ Broad- 3.3.a. At least 5 online monitoring plat-
                         cast Media in Governance and Curric- forms were created for the following:
                         ulum Implementation         a. Enrolment
                                                     b. SBM
                                                     c. Brigada Eskwela
                                                     d. WinS                                1  1     1  1     1     1     1
                                                     e. School Advocacy Initiatives
                                                     f. Utilization of DCPs
                                                     3.3.b. Utilization and updating of all
                                                     online systems of DepEd monitored (LIS,
                                                     BOSY, EBEIS, NSBI, LSIS, etc.)
                         3.4. Profile schools which can   3.4. Database of schools accessi-
                         be served by AM and FM sta-  ble through Radio-based Instruc-      ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
                         tions                       tion (RBI)
                         3.5. Coordinate with AM/FM    3.5 MOA
                         Stations on the possibility of                                     ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
                         partnership on RBI.
                         3.6 Monitor all on-going proj-  3.6. 100% on-going projects
                         ects: repairs, construction of   completed before school opening.
                         slope protection and electrifi-                                        100%
                         3.7. Mandate all schools and   3.7. 100% Schools installed
                         LCs to install hand washing fa- functional HWF
                         cilities, monitoring compliance                                        100%
                         and providing TA if necessary
                         3.8 Monitor implementation of  3.8. 100% of 2020 projects
                         all 2020 BEFF projects      awarded and monitored accord-                             100%
                                                     ing to specs.
                         3.9Validate / identify recipi-  3.9. Hand Washing beneficiary
                         ent schools for the HWF Proj-  schools identified, validated and
                         ect and preparing POWs and   submitted to CO with its com-                100%
                         Designs                     plete documentary requirements
         4. Evaluates the   4.1 Conduct quarterly review of 2020  4.1.a. Adjusted DAIP integrating LCP
         performance of   DAIP / OPCRF through planning ses-  4.1.b Quarterly review of DAIP / OPCRF
         SDO in a quarterly  sions, DMEA, online modality using   Report
         basis or as needed  google sheets and others    4.1.c. Quarterly Catch up plans    ✓        ✓        ✓
                                                     4.1.d. Quarterly TA Plans
                                                     4.1.e. Accomplishment based from quar-
                                                     terly TA Plans
                         4.2 Conduct planning session for   4.2.a. Proposed 20201 DAIP
                         DAIP 2021 and other plans through   4.2.b. APP 2021
                         webinar or face to face     4.2.c. SEF Budget Proposal 2021                 4        4
                                                     4.2.d. PPMP 2021

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