Page 48 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
P. 48

Pillar 3: Teachers and school leaders upskilling and reskilling to improve competencies

                                                           Activities           Expected
             KRA         Objectives   Strategies                                            Timeline   Resources   Remarks
                                                Division           School        Results
         Human Re-    1. Guarantee    11 Imple-  1.1 Conduct training –  Conduct SLAC  1.1 90%-100%  June to   HRTD Fund
         source Man-  the delivery of   men-tation  workshops for teach-  on LR Devel-  teachers   July 2020
         agement and  an integrated   of the 2020  ers on LR development  opment and   capacitated on
         Development  and needs-based   HRMD Plan and various modalities  various modal- the use of var-  Human Re-
                      capability build-         of delivery:       ities of learn-  ious modali-     source such
                                                                               ties of learning
                      ing intervention          a.  Designing Multi-  ing – teaching   and teaching   as HRD, CID,
                      accessible to all            media Instruction-  delivery  delivery.           teachers, re-
                      teachers, school             al Materials (creat-                              source speak-
                      heads, and                   ing videos, digital                               ers, and other
                      school stake-                stories)                                          concerned SDO
                      holders                                                                        Officials
                                                b. Blended Learning/
                                                   Flipped Classroom                                 Teachers and
                                                   c.  c. Online learn-
                                                      ing platforms/
                                                      virtual class-
                                                      room (Edmodo,
                                                      Moodle, Near-
                                                      pod, Google

                                                d. Online and offline
                                                  digital tools/ apps
                                                  (downloading from
                                                  landing portal or
                                                  from other sources,
                                                  utilization of LRs,
                                                e. ADM Modules
                                                Development of class
                                                learning program
                                                1.2. Conduct webi-  Submit entry   1.2 All MELC- June to   Human Re-
                                                nar-workshop on    plans on the   based Learn-  November,  source (Teach-
                                                digitization of learning  digitization of  ing modules   2020  ers, Heads of
                                                modules and assess-  LRs       and assess-           office, HRDS)
                                                ment tools using OER           ment tools
                                                and productivity tools         that can be
                                                                               converted to
                                                                               digital format.
                                                1.3. Upskill school   Submit entry   1.3 90%   June to   EPS, PSDS,
                                                heads, supervisors and  plans on skills  - 100% of   November,  SH, SEPS,
                                                other related-teaching  application  expected par-  2020  EPSII
                                                personnel on the new           ticipants were
                                                normal modalities of           upskilled
                                                teaching-learning, in-
                                                structional leadership
                                                and other 21  century
                                                1.4. Monitor personnel  Submit entry   1.4 Inventory  March 2020
                                                enrolled in MOOCs   plans on the   of teachers   – April 2021
                                                and other online   application   who have            HRDS
                                                courses (especially   of learning   completed
                                                those that address   insights and   online cours-    all employees
                                                employees’ competen-  knowledge   es/ MOOCs
                                                cy needs)          gained      and were given
                                                                               certificate of

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