Page 193 - isa-sboajc
P. 193

4                ACTIVITY COVER SHEET

        Title of activity:           PHYSICIAN PLANTS

                                     Mrs. CHRISTINA HELEN, Mrs. INDRA MAYA DEVI
        Teacher responsible:

                                     All teachers handling STD VI.
        Other staff involved:

                                     SOCIAL SCIENCE , BIOLOGY,MATHS,ENGLISH , CRAFT,
        Subjects involved:

                                     This activity enables the students to understand  about

                                     the various medicinal plants used in their  countries as

                                     home remedies. (India , USA ,  Australia).
        Brief details of the aim,
                                     Students gain knowledge of medicinal plants,  develop
        content and outcomes of
                                     the skill of preparing home remedies for minor ailments
        the activity:

                                     and the develop the sense of  responsibility in growing
                                     and protecting medicinal  plants so that the next

                                     generation will benefit from  its utilitarian value.

        Countries explored:          India , USA, and Australia

        Link school(s):               -

        Other sources of             Internet, Magazines, Survey and Research books  and
        information:                 library reference books.

        Time period of activity:     July 2019 , August 2019

        Number of students
        involved in this activity:
   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198