Page 196 - isa-sboajc
P. 196
Students visited the school library and referred books
and the Internet to collect more information on the
medicinal plants of India, USA and Australia. They learnt
about some of the common medicinal plants of the specified
countries. Students made scrap books and solved crossword
puzzle. Teachers evaluated the Scrap books.
Students worked on the different types of medicinal
plants of the specified countries and prepared simple home
remedies from common medicinal plants and did a
comparative study of herbs available in India, USA and
Australia. The Home remedies with the recipes were
exhibited. Students prepared a PowerPoint presentation on
home remedies and presented it in their classes and it was
uploaded in the School Website.
Each group of students, took up one herb and collected
information on its origin, environmental conditions
required for growth and the way of using it as medicine.
They narrated the tale of each herb very clearly and
accurately. Each group was evaluated and graded by the
respective teachers.
Mrs. Christina Helen Mrs. Indra Maya Devi