Page 236 - isa-sboajc
P. 236
It took some time for both the schools to settle down with
their virtual classes. Once settled we again interacted with
the students of St.Xaviers, an interaction that students of
both the schools looked forward to and enjoyed.
Students of both schools researched and discussed how wide
spread the menace is. Be it developed countries like U.K. and China
or developing countries like India, Nepal and Bhutan, all are facing
this issue. They understood that the need of the hour is to take up
this responsibility individually and make those changes first in their
own homes then spread this awareness around. It was a learning
experience for them. The bin liners and cloth bag usage became a
We plan to organise such interactions in future as well to stay in
We as teachers in charge felt a sense of satisfaction to see students
participate in all the activities with complete sincerity, a sense of
responsibility instilled hopefully as a habit.
Mrs.Asha Ashok
Mrs.Shaifali Anup Krishnan