Page 12 - 2023不累不飾-任容清七十書法紀念展
P. 12

The Calm and Pragmatic Gentle Breeze:

           In Honor of the Memorial Calligraphy Exhibition of Ren Rung-Ching

              Poet Su Shi of Song dynasty wrote a poem that goes, "Gentle is   the calligraphy community. He even dove into the education of inmates and
           the breeze that makes plants bend and sway; Bright is the sun that melts   taught calligraphy in prisons, using the proportions, light and heavy, as well
           away the frost." This verse describes how the gentle breeze makes all the   as slow and fast brushstroke compositions of Chinese characters as a guide
           plants bow down, and how the winter sun melts the frost. The beautiful   towards understanding the principles of being a good person. As Tang
           and nourishing light shining through the phrase "gentle is the breeze" is   dynasty calligrapher Liu Gong-Quan once said, "when the heart is right,
           reminiscent of my friendship with Mr. Ren Rung-Ching, and the warmth   the writing is right," proving that if one's character is not upright, they can
           and emotions that well up from within as I write. Much like the gentle   never right well. Conversely, learning calligraphy allowed the inmates to
           breeze, Mr. Ren dedicated his entire life to nourishing and cultivating his   gradually transform from practicing “the right writing” to “the right heart,”
           close friends and students, carefully tending to the field of calligraphy and   demonstrating the transformative powers of calligraphy education.
           artistry. Even after his passing, this field continues to flourish and thrive.   At the age of fifty and already renowned in the calligraphy
           The description "calm and pragmatic" reflects his constant dedication   community, Mr. Ren Rung-Ching made the bold decision to pursue
           to improving calligraphy skills and his spirit in promoting calligraphy   further studies for a master’s degree in Chinese Literature at National
           education. Teacher Ren diligently practiced his writing, with an especially   Chung Hsing University, which led to Professor Chen Qin-Zhong from
           deep dedication in traditional steles. He also emphasized to his students   Chung Hsing University to be invited as a consultant at the Yueyang
           the importance of artwork observation, in order to achieve his standard   Tower Calligraphy Society. Professor Chen, who is also my respected
           of proficiency in writing. He always advised students to seek clear and   mentor, believes that the distinctiveness of the Yueyang Tower Calligraphy
           excellent examples, observe carefully before writing, strive for accuracy   Society, in comparison to other calligraphy clubs, lies in its emphasis
           in execution, and practice through day and night, for only with profound.   on "study groups." Before copying calligraphy works, there was always
           impressions could one achieve skillful execution. Although Mr. Ren treated   a presentation or guided reading about the calligraphy artists’ lives and
           me as both a teacher and a friend, with some students even referring to   works, followed by discussions on calligraphy theories. It was like a feast
           me as "Teacher's Uncle," it was I, in fact, that had the privilege of taking a   of dialogues on literature and ink wash. Mr. Ren had also led society
           semester of his calligraphy course, while he was teaching at a bookstore on   members in organizing calligraphy exhibitions consistently every “half a
           Minquan Road in Taichung. Therefore, strictly speaking, he was truly my   decade” and “a decade,” providing a platform for students to learn from
           teacher.                                          each other and strive for excellence. I believe that this memorial exhibition
              To cultivate calligraphy copying skills of calligraphy enthusiasts, Mr.   organized by Mr. Ren's disciples is a continuation of his diligent and
           Ren Rung-Ching had restored many books on clerical and Wei stele scripts,   pragmatic spirit in organizing exhibitions during his lifetime, wonderfully
           such as the Cao Quan Stele, the Shi Chen Stele, and the Cui Jing-Yong   showcasing his timeless pieces to the public. The Society have always
           Epitaph, providing beginners straightforward reference models for learning.   maintained high standards for exhibition entries under Mr. Ren's insistence,
           These publications were Mr. Ren’s most widely known works amongst   thus the preparation work for each exhibition would take from one to
           calligraphy learners. The most profound impressions I had of Mr. Ren   three years. "Scholars should focus on the fundamentals, for it is from the
           during my youth was that he constantly appeared in national calligraphy   fundamentals that principles are born." Mr. Ren Rung-Ching's ideology
           competitions as the winner, being awarded with the Provincial Government   of valuing fundamentals and practicality deeply influenced the Yueyang
           Award (Champion) at the 39th Provincial Fine Art Exhibition, the Chinese   Tower Calligraphy Society, which have always been highly regarded and
           Literary Awards in the calligraphy category, and many more. It was quite   praised by many for its quality and achievements.
           remarkable for someone with an engineering background, who also worked   Mr. Ren Rung-Ching was always kind and attentive towards others,
           in civil engineering for over 15 years, to become a renowned calligraphy   and especially kept an eye on my calligraphy journey. Our relationship
           artist. This transformation was rooted in the early inspiration he received,   could be described as “a hedge in between always kept the friendship
           which laid the foundation for his journey. He was hailed as a child prodigy   green.” We were friends who respected and cared for each other, even
           in the field of calligraphy, earning the title "Wang Xi-Zhi Jr." since early   if we did not stay in constant contact, much like the saying, "when we
           childhood. During his university years, he became the third President of the   meet, there is no need for words; when apart, we constantly think of each
           Calligraphy Club at Chung Yuan Christian University, and his outstanding   other." One day, before his passing, he called me out of the blue, and we
           artworks that had entered various competitions in those years are still   chatted for at length about various topics. A few days later, I received the
           preserved in the collections of history museums today. Currently, on the   news that he had been hospitalized, and he never returned home thereafter.
           corridors of the Huai En Building, the oldest surviving building at Chung   The memories of our friendship still resonate within my heart, and the
           Yuan, there is an inscription of the "Educational Mission and Philosophy   reminiscence brings a sense of melancholy. Many of Mr. Ren Rung-Ching's
           of Chung Yuan Christian University" written in the calligraphic style of   artworks lean towards a profound and solemn style. He excelled in various
           Chu Sui-Liang. It was calligraphed by Mr. Ren Rung-Ching upon the   scripts and forms, be it regular, running, seal, or clerical script, exuding
           invitation of his alma mater. Mr. Ren's outstanding performance in the field   a warm, calm, and dignified sense of familiarity. There was no trace of
           of calligraphy was truly remarkable, yet he remained consistently humble   pretense or artificiality, just like his lifelong humility and self-cultivation.
           and modest, and his dedication to the inheritance of calligraphy education   Though the philosopher is now far away, his spirit will always remain,
           was truly incomparable. While I have also been teaching calligraphy, it has   which is why I have great anticipation for this memorial exhibition. I can
           mostly been during my spare time. In contrast, Mr. Ren had fully immersed   already imagine the moment of walking into the exhibition hall, feeling
           himself in the world of calligraphy after leaving his public position at   the radiant aura of Mr. Ren Rung-Ching. As the artworks lead viewers
           the Ret-Ser Engineering Agency, driven by a sense of mission towards   into his own calligraphy world and artistic vision, we may trace the many
           calligraphy. He established the Yueyang Tower Calligraphy Society,   exemplary and beautiful masterpieces he left for us.
           actively engaging in calligraphy education, research, and promotion. He
           was simultaneously invited frequently to serve as a lecturer, panelist, and
                                                                                            Dr. Lin Rong-Sen
           judge across the country, continuously exerting his personal influences in
                                                                          Director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou County

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