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P. 15

Unburdened and Unadorned:

               The Memorial Calligraphy Exhibition of Ren Rung-Ching’s 70th Anniversary

                 Unburdened and Unadorned was selected from Mr. Ren Rung-  for mutual observation, learning, and exchange. He also published
               Ching’s eight-character couplet of the Nanhuajing excerpt, which was   academic journals and trained countless talents.
               based on the following quote from Zhuangzi: Tianxia, “unburdened by   In 1983, Mr. Ren joined the Taichung Lotus Society to study The
               customs, unadorned by objects, follow propriety in conduct, and thrive   Analects of Confucius as well as Buddhist studies and practices, as a
               harmoniously in music." Mr. Ren signed and noted the piece with   path to self-cultivation and spiritual growth. His stayed continuous on
               “not bound by worldly conventions, nor external things to embellish   the journey of studying Buddhism, like a dedicated student diligently
               oneself; using propriety to conduct one's behavior, and music to   attending classes. However, unlike traditional academics with a
               flourish in harmonious nature,” fully embodying and reflecting   fixed graduation time frame, this pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong
               the close relationship between calligraphy and his personal artistic   endeavor, aiming to find enlightenment and inspiration through deep
               cultivation.                                      contemplation and sincere practice. In Mr. Ren's calligraphy, one can
                 Mr. Ren Rung-Ching’s family was originally from Yueyang   perceive the subtle and transformative effects it has on the viewer, as
               County, Hunan Province. Apart from his style name Tiande, he   in an imperceivable influence and a sense of energy.
               also named himself with the pseudonyms Xiaoshu and Yuyanglou   As a practitioner of calligraphy, Mr. Ren Rung-Ching had
               (after the masterpiece that established the integration of Buddhism,   meticulously planned and presented his artwork in ten-year cycles,
               Laozi, and Zhuangzi philosophies), using signatures such Chief of   using his Buddhist and persistent calligraphy practices as a means to
               Yuyanglou, Master of Yuyanglou, Jinxu, Jinyi, and many more. Born   explore his inner self. The exhibition aims to continue Mr. Ren Rung-
               in 1954 in Taichung City, he was enlightened in the art of calligraphy   Ching's legacy, showcasing his calligraphy journey and artistic context
               by his father during his childhood, thus gaining the nickname "Little   through four aspects: awards and exhibitions, teaching and learning,
               Wang Xizhi" as a child. After winning a calligraphy competition in   exchanges and activities, as well as Buddhism and poetry. We hope
               junior high and receiving a catalogue on calligraphy, he developed   that this exhibition will present the life and artistic development of Mr.
               a deep admiration for the art and became determined to pursue such   Ren Rung-Ching, and further explore the artistic essence that underlies
               aspiration. After graduating from Taichung First Senior High School,   his journey. The following are detailed descriptions of each aspect:
               during which he was encouraged by his teachers to participate in
                                                                 I. Awards and Exhibitions
               calligraphy competitions and received great achievements time after
                                                                   Mr. Ren Rung-Ching has been winning first places in calligraphy
               time, he was admitted into the Department of Civil Engineering at
                                                                 competitions since his junior high school years, including provincial
               Chung Yuan Christian University. There he became the President of
                                                                 junior high school and national high school contests. He began
               the Calligraphy Club and founded the "Ten Dullards (Shidai) of Chung
                                                                 organizing college calligraphy contests during university to promote
               Yuan" calligraphy team, actively participating in calligraphy activities.
                                                                 the art and culture, while successively participating in the Chinese
               In 1977, he became a disciple of the Venerable Master Benhui (Sir
                                                                 and Japanese Youth Calligraphy Exhibition, where he received the
               Ren Bo-Wu), then later studied under Mr. Chen Qi-Chuan and Mr. Li
                                                                 second-place silver medal, and his works were placed under the
               Pu-Tong, thus stepping foot into the calligraphy academic system.
                                                                 collections of National Museum of History. After graduating from
                 Not only did Mr. Ren delve deep into cultivating the art of
                                                                 university, Mr. Ren submitted his artworks to the Provincial Fine Art
               calligraphy, he also devoted himself to promoting calligraphy
                                                                 Exhibition, where he was immediately selected and received honors as
               education in Taiwan. In order to broaden and popularize this art, he
                                                                 such the Excellence Award, the Superintendent of Education Award,
               took up the role of an advisor or instructor in calligraphy clubs at
                                                                 the Provincial Government Award, and had his works placed under
               various universities and workshops at public institutions. He also
                                                                 the collections of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. He also
               founded a private school to continue his mission, teaching for over
                                                                 won first place in the adult category for calligraphy at the National
               four decades since its establishment. In addition, Mr. Ren had been
                                                                 Taiwan Language Contest, second place in the adult category at the
               invited to provide compulsory classes at Taichung Prison from 1997
                                                                 first National Golden Goose Calligraphy Award, second place in the
               to 1999 and aided in the education and enlightenment of prisoners,
                                                                 calligraphy category of the Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central, a silver
               which became a touching and impactful experience in his teaching
                                                                 medal at the National Youth Calligraphy Exhibition, and many more.
               career. In 2010, Mr. Ren traveled with the Chinese Calligraphy
                                                                 His numerous awards and outstanding achievements had already
               association to Hanshan Study (now known as Hanshan Normal
                                                                 brought him wide recognition at the time.
               University) and taught in workshops for calligraphy minor courses,
                                                                   During his time in university, Mr. Ren became a disciple of the
               as well as expanding his educational contributions to China. In efforts
                                                                 Venerable Master Benhui (Sir Ren Bo-Wu). The Master’s guidance for
               to provide students with better and improved teaching content, Mr.
                                                                 Mr. Ren was to “not neglect academic studies, as it is the duty of a
               Ren began contemplating the idea of conducting stone inscription
                                                                 student. Continuous practice and dedication to calligraphy during
               and rubbing restorations to improve the learning materials, under Mr.
                                                                 the free time would eventually yield excellent results… Progress
               Cheng Tsung-Ming's guidance and encouragement. The aim was to
                                                                 will be made in time with hard work, and ‘no pain, no gain’ is the
               help the knowledge and aesthetics of calligraphy become an internal
                                                                 immutable truth.” After graduating, Mr. Ren found employment at
               part of the public’s daily lives. On the other hand, Mr. Ren established
                                                                 the Ret-Ser Engineering Agency, but he never abandoned his passion
               calligraphy societies to cultivate seeded teachers, building platforms
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