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for calligraphy, immersing himself in studying inscriptions, copying,   he taught calligraphy classes at the Taichung City Dadun Cultural
           double-outlining, and many more in his free time, feeling joy in the   Center. Mr. Ren moved away from a competition-oriented approach
           pursuit of knowledge. Mr. Ren built his skills from copying ancient   later in his teaching career and emphasized more on “adaptability”
           calligraphy inscriptions, starting with the regular script of Tang dynasty   and “guidance,” recognizing that individuals have different qualities
           by Master Liu Gong-Quan, then gradually exploring the clerical script   and therefore require personalized learning content. He believed
           of Han dynasty from the Yi Ying Stele and the Ritual Vessel Stele,   that practicing calligraphy not only served as a tool for cultivating
           as well as the Stone Drum Inscription, integrating bamboo slips and   one's character, but also as a means of increasing self-confidence and
           silk manuscripts. He also delved into the vast knowledge of Wei stele   providing psychological support.
           scripts through studying Wei dynasty monarch epitaphs and Longmen   To promote calligraphy culture heritage, Mr. Ren organized and
           Buddhist sculptures, as well as learnt running and cursive scripts from   established the Taichung City Yueyang Tower Calligraphy Society in
           Xian Yu-Shu and The Thousand Character Cursive by Zhi-Yong.   1992. Society members were mostly elementary and middle school
           Through in-depth analysis of the techniques and aesthetics of ancient   teachers, hosting regular exhibitions and publishing “The Zebra
           calligraphers, he was able to achieve the techniques yet simultaneously   Collection (Banma Ji),” with the focus on established themes and
           develop his unique style. In 1995, after retiring from civil services,   calligraphy research. This publication undoubtedly served as a gradual
           Mr. Ren gained more time to devote to calligraphy. His first solo   practice or pre-training ground for writing master's theses, garnering
           exhibition, “Collections of the Heart: Ren Rung-Ching's Calligraphy   considerable attention and praise.
           Exhibition,” was held at the Taichung Cultural Center in 1996. More   To facilitate teaching and assist beginners, preparing
           exhibitions subsequently followed, including the 2004 “Ren Rung-  comprehensive teaching materials was quite crucial. For this reason,
           Ching's Life Calligraphy Exhibition” at the Taichung Cultural Center,   Mr. Ren had published several works, including "Ode to Spring and
           the 2014 “Echoes of the Mind: Ren Rung-Ching's Calligraphy Life   Summer in Chu-style Script (Chu Ti Chun Xia Song)" and "Poetries
           Exhibition” at the Mingzong Calligraphy and Art Gallery in Kaohsiung   of Autumn and Winter in Chu-style Script (Chu Ti Qiu Dong Yin)"
           City, and the 2016 “Wonderment: The Unrestrained Calligraphy of   in 1997, "Poems of Diligence in Clerical Script (Li Shu Qin Xue
           Ren Rung-Ching” exhibition at the Ling Tong University Arts Center.   Shi)" and "Sentiments of Four Seasons in Chu-style Script (Chu Ti Si
           Each exhibition was a demonstration of self-reflection and progress.   Shi Qing)" in 1998. From 1998 to 2002, Mr. Ren participated in the
           In 2012, Mr. Ren was honored with the "Artistic Creation Award" of   restoration of "Restoration and Enlargement of Selected Epitaphs;
           the 53rd Chinese Literary Awards by the Chinese Writers’ and Artists’   Eastern Han Dynasty Ritual and Instrument Stele Volume 13,"
           Association, as a high recognition for his artistic achievements. As   "Northern Wei Dynasty Sculpture Record Volume 18," "Eastern Han
           a calligraphy artist who dedicated his life to the art form, Mr. Ren   Dynasty Shi Chen Stele Volume 21," "Restoration of Northern Wei
           had always the resolute spirit of upheld the following motto from   Dynasty Cui Jing-Yong Epitaph Volume 24," and "Eastern Cao Quan
           Still Thoughts: A Collection of Short Teachings: "A person who   Stele Volume 29." Mr. Chen Ze-Qun had once stated that "the
           exerts his strength well is neither hasty nor slow; a person who   importance of art restoration lies in authenticity and naturalness,
           cherishes his ideals is neither impetuous nor lax; with unwavering   and of those that deviate from this may not be deemed successful
           determination and steadfastness, one can ultimately achieve their   works." He also commented that "besides teaching calligraphy,
           goals."                                           Mr. Ren was also well-studied in calligraphy history and theory.
                                                             His deep understanding of both principles and techniques enabled
           II. Teaching and Learning
                                                             him to provide unique insights into teaching methods." Moreover,
             “What does one learn when studying calligraphy? What is
                                                             Mr. Ren had been extensively involved in various training programs
           taught when teaching calligraphy?” These were the questions that
                                                             and workshops, serving as a mentor to seeded calligraphy teachers at
           were brought to attention and constantly spinning in his mind.
                                                             primary and secondary school. He had also written dozens of lecture
             In 1981, Mr. Ren officially began his career in calligraphy
                                                             materials, maintaining high quality standards along with quantity.
           education, when he rented a space at the Dawn Office Building
                                                             Some notable examples include "20 lessons on the Cao Quan Stele,"
           to hold calligraphy classes. As a self-professed student of science
                                                             "structures and variations in The Preface of the Orchid Pavilion (Lan
           and engineering, he excelled in using his refined analytical and
                                                             Ting Xu)," "analyses and comparisons of A Narrative on Calligraphy
           organizational skills in teaching. His established sense of an aesthetic
                                                             by Sun Guo Ting and The Thousand Character Cursive by Zhi-Yong,"
           appreciation for famous calligraphic works also led to his profound
                                                             and "techniques to learning from Wang Xi-Zhi's Preface to the Sacred
           understanding of the merits of various scripts in those calligraphy
                                                             Teachings in running script. The Introduction to Wei Stele: Teaching
           masterpieces. Starting in 1982, he served as a calligraphy instructor
                                                             Materials and Methodologies of Bei Wei Zhengxi’s Calligraphy
           in calligraphy clubs at National Taichung Vocational College (now
                                                             in the Handbook for the Calligraphy Talent Training Program at
           known as National Taichung University of Science and Technology),
                                                             National Tainan University was also published in 1996, with many
           Feng Chia University, and Tunghai University. From 1989 to 1997,
                                                             more countless publications These works demonstrated Mr. Ren's
           he taught calligraphy at the Provincial Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
                                                             meticulousness and dedication accumulated over the years, leaving
           as part of their art enrichment program; then, from 1998 to 2021,
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