Page 111 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 111

                                                                                                                                                  ੹    Gouache Painting

                                                                                      ௡ˌྤ{٤ซईဘ  Fantasy Land of Fish-An Unexpected Romance  45.5Ò84cm  2022

                                     ૎೻௱              ਷ͭၽʕ઺ԃɽኪߕஔኪӻ၂                  Cao, Cheng-Kai
                                                      ɻdତ΂਷ͭၽʕ઺ԃɽኪߕஔ                 Mr. Cao hold a Master's degree in Fine Arts from National Taichung University of
                                     1993.02.14                                      Education, currently serving as a part-time lecturer in the Department of Fine Arts at
                                                                                     National Taichung University of Education and as a board member of the Taiwan Green
                                     (M)0976-067307   ԫfୋ67֣ʕ௅ߕ࢝ᇭ੹௅ୋɓ                Water Painting Association. His work has won first place in the Gouache Category at
                                                      Τdୋ10֣ၠ˥ሧᇭ੹ᗳၠ˥ɽ                the 67th Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central. Green Water Grand Award in the Gouache
                                                      ᆤdୋ26֣ɽᄧߕ࢝ᇭ੹ᗳɽᄧ                Category at the 10th Green Water Prize. Dadun Award in the Gouache Category at the
                                                                                     26th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung CIty. Quanxing Collection Award in the Ink
                                                      ᆤdୋ23֣ᐠ๣ߕ࢝˥ኈᇭ੹ᗳ                and Gouache Category at the 23rd Huang-xi Fine Arts Exhibition.
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