Page 107 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 107

                                                                                                                                                  ੹    Gouache Painting

                                                                                     ࣶڀh˥ݴ؇  Tung Blossom-Carrying East by the Flow  53Ò65cm(15F)  2024

                                     ᑽૺࢇ              ၽʕ઺ԃɽኪߕஔኪӻ޼Ӻה                Xie, Shu-Juan
                                                      ଭุdࢪוˮқඪϼࢪdಀᐏ                Ms. Xie graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts, National Taichung University of
                                     1969.11.22                                    Education. She studied under Wang Zhi-Xiong’s guidance. Her works have placed in top
                                                                                   three three times at the Taichung County Art Exhibition, received Second Prize at the Arts
                                     (H)04-26221060   ࢝ୋɚΤdၽජߕ࢝ၽජᆤf                Exhibition of Taiwan Central and won the Tai-Yang Award at the Tai-Yang Art Exhibition.

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