Page 104 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 104

ʆٙԟɓᗙ  Other Side of the Mountain  50Ò91.5cm  2023

                                ࡎ͗ޙ                 ኪዝjߕ਷ᔚږʆᖵஔɽኪᖵஔ၂                  Ni, Yu-Shan
                                                    ɻf                               Ms. Ni holds a M.F.A. degree from Academy of Art University, San Francisco,
                                1967.09.13                                           USA. She is now an associate professor at National Chin-Yih University of
                                                                                     Technology. Her works have won the first and second prize at the Taiwan
                                (H)04-23140286      ی̹ߕ࢝ୋɓΤdၽජߕ࢝ვeზ೐                 Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition, first prize at the Tainan City Art Exhibition,
                                (O)04-23924505 #2264     ᆤnഃfତ΂j਷ͭාू߅Ҧɽኪ             and the Silver Medal Award and Bronze Medal Award at the Tai-Yang Art
                                (M)0952-369515                                       Exhibition. She is currently a standing board member of the Taichung City
                                407034 ၽʕ̹Гˊਜ       ਓ઺બeၽʕ̹ߕஔ઺ԃኪึ੬ਕଣ                 Art Education Association and Chao Chung Art Association. She is also a
                                ̬ʇ༩69໮              ԫeಃʕ೥ึ੬ਕଣԫęᝄᇭ੹೥                 member of the Taiwan Gouache Painting Association and Central Taiwan
                                                    ՘ึʿၽᝄʕ௅ߕஔ՘ึึࡰf                   Fine Arts Association.
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