Page 99 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 99

                                                                                                                                                  ੹    Gouache Painting

                                                                                                           ߕ۔͗ʆ  Beauty of Mt. Jade  72Ò91cm  2024

                                     ႻॱѶ                   ؇ऎɽኪ௴จணࠇ࿬ᖵஔኪ৫               Chao, Chun-Miao
                                                           ߕஔኪӻ၂ɻdಀᐏʕ௅ߕ࢝               Ms. Chao has a M.F.A. degree from the College of Fine Arts and Creative Design,
                                     1964.04.20                                        Tunghai University, and her gouache painting works have won First Prize at the Arts
                                                                                       Exhibition of Taiwan Central and Taoyuan Fine Arts Exhibiiton, an Award of Merit in
                                     (H)04-23011037        ᗳୋɓΤdɽᄧߕ࢝ᇭ੹ᗳᎴ               the gouache painting category at the Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City,
                                     (M)0932-518680        ፯dΌ਷ߕஔ࢝ɝ፯f                  and short-listings at the National Art Exhibition, ROC.
                                     403008 ၽʕ̹Гਜ

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