Page 97 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 97

                                                                                                                                                  ੹    Gouache Painting

                                                                                       ʞ၅ᑗژ  Five Blessings Arriving at the Door  45.5Ò53cm(10F)  2023ࡌ

                                     ර၀௛                ؇ऎɽኪߕஔӻଭุdЪۜᐏ                Huang, Bi-Xue
                                                        2003ϋԭ୚ԭߕ࢝(˥ኈɽሧе             A graduate of Tunghai University’s Department of Fine Arts, Ms. Huang received the
                                     1963.04.15                                      permanent eligibility qualication in ink painting category for the Asian Arts Exhibition in
                                                                                     2003. In 2004, she received the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Award at the Asian Arts Exhibition.
                                     (H)04-26912088     ߏׂ᎜ڗᆤ)dʕ௅ߕ࢝ᒗሗ೥               She has also earned a Bronze Medal at the Tai-Yang Art Exhibition and Second Prize
                                     432009 ၽʕ̹ɽԂਜ      ࢕ʿึࡰdၽජߕ࢝ზ೐ᆤdୋ               in the gouache painting category at the 11th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung
                                     ༷෤༩2ݬ142໮                                       City. She has been invited to exhibit at the Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central, of which
                                                                                     she is also a member.

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