Page 93 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 93

                                                                                                                                                  ੹    Gouache Painting

                                                                                                                ഘᘆ  Splendor  60.6Ò72.7cm  2024

                                     ெѶථ             ਷ͭၽᝄࢪᇍɽኪߕஔӻଭุe၂ɻኪ                  Guo, Miao-Yun
                                                     ʱफഐุfᇭ੹Ъۜಀᐏၽජߕ࢝ვ                   Ms. Guo received a bachelor’s degree from and completed graduate credit
                                     1959.03.02                                         courses in Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University. She won the Silver
                                                     ೐eზ೐dɽᄧߕ࢝Ꮄ፯dୋ 1 ֣ၠ˥
                                                                                        and Bronze Medal Prizes at the Tai-Yang Art Exhibition, an Award of Merit at the
                                     (H)04-22556915  ೥ึ௓ආሧഃᆤධf2009 ϋe2016 ϋ             Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City, and the Prize of Chen Jin at the
                                     (M)0932-511128  ࡈ࢝׵ၽʕ̹˖ʷ҅dତމ̨ᝄᇭ੹೥                  1st Green Water Prize Exhibition. In 2009 and 2016, she held solo exhibitions at
                                                     ՘ึ္ԫeၽජߕஔ՘ึęᝄၠ˥೥                  the Taichung City Cultural Affairs Bureau. She is currently one of the supervisors
                                                                                        of the Taiwan Gouache Painting Association, and a member of the Tai-Yang Art
                                                     ึึࡰf                               Society and Green Water Painting Society.
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