Page 90 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 90

ፃΈ(II)  The Light of Firefly(II)  53Ò65.2cm  2023

                                ௓ᙜੀ                 ̈͛׵ၽʕ̹dၽʕࢪ৫e؇ऎɽ                Chen, Teng-Tang
                                                    ኪߕஔ޼ӺהଭุfЪۜᐏɽᄧߕ                Mr. Chen was born in Taichung and graduated from Taichung Teachers College
                                1954.11.15                                         and Tunghai University (M.F.A.). He has received high honors at the Taiwan
                                                                                   Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition, Tai-Yang Art Exhibition and Da Dun Fine Arts
                                (H)04-23383319      ϣdԨᐏ੻Ό޲ߕ࢝͑ɮеᄲݟf                Exhibition of Taichung City, and won permanent eligibility to exhibit at the Taiwan
                                (M)0928-930375      ಀ΂ʕ௅ߕ࢝eၽජߕ࢝eၽʕጤ                Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition. He has served as a judge for competitions including
                                414195 ၽʕ̹ढ˚ਜ                                      the Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central, the Tai-Yang Art Exhibition, the Taichung
                                Έ˚༩175܍12໮          ͡ሗ࢝ʿຬձߕ࢝ഃ൙ᄲf                   County Application Exhibition, and the Wanhe Art Exhibition.

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