Page 91 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 91

                                                                                                                                                  ੹    Gouache Painting

                                                                                                           ථʆ  Misty Mountain  60.5Ò72.5cm  2024

                                     ˮқඪ               ؇ऎɽኪᖵஔ၂ɻdಀᐏၽජߕ࢝                 Wang, Zhi-Xiong
                                                       ږeვeზ೐ᆤdୋ4֣ɽᄧߕ࢝                 Mr. Wang holds a master’s degree in Fine Arts from Tunghai University. His works
                                     1955.11.22                                        won many awards, including Gold, Silver and Bronze medals at the Tai-Yang Art
                                                                                       Exhibition, First Prize in the gouache painting category at the 4th Da Dun Fine
                                     (H)04-26522491    ၽی̹ߕ࢝ୋɚΤdΌ޲ߕ࢝Ꮄ፯                 Arts Exhibition of Taichung City, First Prize at the Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central,
                                     (M)0919-085070    5ϣd1997ϋᖵஔᑚ˦޴ෂÑୋ9֣              Second Prize at the Tainan City Art Exhibition, an Award of Merit at the Taiwan
                                                       ၽʕጤߕஔ࢕ટɢ࢝f                      Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition five times. He participated in the 9th Art Inheritance
                                                                                       Taichung County Artist’s Relay Exhibition in 1997.

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