Page 103 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 103

                                                                                                                                                  ੹    Gouache Painting

                                                                                            ૶ѱ˿ɛቑ  Little Makeup Will Do  60Ò60cm  2022

                                     ᖯᅆޜ                ؇ऎɽኪߕஔ޼Ӻהᇭ੹௴Ъଡ଼၂ɻf                  Luo, Hui-Zhen
                                                        ତ΂؇ऎɽኪߕஔӻࡒ΂ᑺࢪeၽʕ̹                  Graduated Institute of Fine Arts from Tunghai University. Ms. Luo is currently
                                     1967.05.18                                            adjunct lecturer at Tunghai University, as well as gouache painting lecturer
                                                                                           at Taichung City Dadun Cultural Center. She has held 4 solo exhibitions, and
                                     (H)04-22978718     ࢝4ϣdᑌ࢝ᅰɤϣdಀᐏɽᄧߕ࢝ୋ                  joined dozens of joint exhibitions. She has won Second Prize and Award of
                                     (M)0920-719859     ɚΤʿᎴ፯eΌ޲ߕ࢝Ꮄ፯d2011ϋ                 Merit at the Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City, and Merit Award
                                                        ᖵஔᑚ˦޴ෂÑୋ1֣ၽʕ̹ߕஔ࢕ટ                  at the Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition. She participated in the 1st Art
                                                                                           Inheritance Taichung Artist’s Relay Exhibition in 2011.
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