Page 177 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 177

                                                                                                                                                  ᖵ    Crafts

                                                                                                  ೒༷˂ɨ  Playful Rhinoceros  42Ò60Ò38cm  2024  ௗ  Ceramics

                                     ௓ږ׶                  ಀ΂˂ݵߕ৫܄ࢭ઺બeیҳጤ                Chen, Chin-Wang
                                                          ˖ʷ҅Պᔛᄲᙄ։ࡰe͗ʆߕஔ                Mr. Chen was a visiting professor at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He served as
                                     1963.02.20                                         a member of the Collection Review Committee at the Nantou County Cultural
                                                                                        Bureau and as a judge for the Yushan Art Contribution Award. He has received
                                     433029 ၽʕ̹Ӎ௤ਜ        ɚΤe਷࢕ʈᖵᆤe˚͉ͩʇ਷                the second place award at the Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City (crafts
                                     ၽᝄɽ༸6ݬ726܍89໮        ყဒᖵ࢝൙ᄲᆤeГफ˫ௗᖵᕐ                category), the National Crafts Award, and a Jury Prize at the Ishikawa International
                                                          ϋ࢝ɝ፯e໧ൃ˫ௗᖵᕐϋ࢝࿲                Urushi Exhibition in Japan. He has also participated in the International Artistic
                                                                                        Ceramics Biennial in Spain and Portugal, also selected for the Jeonju International
                                                          ᘴᆤeᒵ਷૶ψ਷ყʈᖵϋ࢝ɝ                Craft Biennale in South Korea and recognized as a craftsman in Taichung City.
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