Page 174 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 174

                                                                                          ໯   Chrysalis   68Ò22Ò21cm  2022  ࣵደௗ  Wood-Fired Ceramics

                                ю˥ӥ              ԭݲɽኪ௴จਠۜணࠇӻᑺࢪdЪۜᐏ                  Water Wu
                                                 ၽ̹̏ߕ࢝ௗᖵᗳୋɧΤeږௗᆤԳ                   Mr. Wu is a lecturer of the Department of Creative Product Design at Asia
                                1961.10.11                                          University. His pottery works won Third Prize at the Taipei City Art Competition,
                                                                                    excellent work at the Golden Pottery Award, and excellent work at the Public
                                                 ௗᆤeΌ਷ௗନପۜ൙ᄲ։ࡰd1999ϋ                Art Competition organized by the Ministry of Culture. He has also served as a
                                                 ̏ͺлፕɽኪஞਪᖵஔ࢕d1999ϋe                 juror at the National Pottery and Ceramic Products Exhibition and visiting artist
                                                 2004ϋe2006ϋ਷ყࣵደ޼ীึᏐᒗ೯              at Northern Illinois University in 1999, and presented his essays and works at
                                                                                    the International Wood-Fired Ceramic Conterence in 1999, 2004 and 2006. He
                                                 ڌЪۜʿሞ˖dࡈ࢝20ቱϣdᑌ࢝60ቱ                has held more than 20 times solo exhibitions and participated in over 60 joint
                                                 ϣf                                 exhibitions.
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