Page 170 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 170

                                                                                                                         17Ò18Ò17cm  2022
                                                                                                                              Potter's Clay

                                ᘽ׼ശ                 ̨ᝄௗᖵኪึୋ10֣ଣԫڗf2014                 Su, Ming-Hua
                                                    ϋe2015ϋ਷ͭ࿎ʷ͛ݺߕኪ᎜ᒗሗࡈ                Ms. Su was the 10th president of the Taiwan Ceramic Society. She was
                                1954.06.05                                             invited by the National Changhua Living Art Gallery to participate in joint
                                                                                       exhibitions in 2014 and 2015, and held a few solo exhibitions at the following
                                (M)0935-508855      2005ϋઠд਷࢕௹ي᎜˜ɷࠦ၅ဧᅙӍ                venues: the Legislative Yuan art Gallery (western paintings) in 2011, Czech
                                412013 ၽʕ̹ɽԢਜ       त࢝™fЪۜᐏୋ11֣ɽᄧߕ࢝Ꮄ፯e                 National Museum “Multifaceted Formosa Art Exhibition” in 2005. Her artwork
                                Г࿲༩195܍9ғ5໮                                            won an award of merit at the 11th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung
                                                                                       City, shortlisting at the 4th National Crafts Award, and second prize at the
                                                    1֣ʹறௗ௴ЪอɛᆤୋɚΤʿ2014ϋ                Koji Pottery New Talents Awards organized by the Chiayi Bureau of Cultural
                                                    ୋ7֣ږௗᆤԳЪe2022ϋᖵஔᑚ˦޴                Affairs. She won the excellence award at the 7th Taiwan Golden Ceramics
                                                    ෂÑୋ12֣ၽʕ̹ߕஔ࢕ટɢ࢝f                   Award. She also participated in the 12th Art Inheritance Taichung Artist’s
                                                                                       Relay Exhibition in 2022.
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