Page 171 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 171

                                                                                                                                                  ᖵ    Crafts

                                                                           ᎇʘৎႀ  Dancing Along  20Ò12Ò12cm(̸)e30Ò16Ò16cm(̛)  2023  ֚֗϶  Tortoise-shell Bamboo

                                                        2007ϋ਷ͭዝ̦௹ي᎜˜ڥື৷ࠬ™                Chen, Ming-Tang
                                      ௓თੀ               ࢝e1996ϋୋ5֣͏ૄʈᖵᆤɧഃ                 Mr. Chen received many awards, including: an Education Bureau Award at
                                                        ᆤe1994ϋୋ3֣͏ૄʈᖵᆤɚഃ                 the 38th Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition in 1983, First Prize at the 11th
                                      1955.07.10                                          Taipei City Fine Arts Exhibition in 1984 and the Third Prize at the 11th National
                                                        ᆤe1988ϋ׵݂ࢗ௹ي৫ତ˾᎜˜ତ                Art Exhibition, ROC in 1986, Second Class Prize at the 3rd Folk Crafts Arts
                                      (H)04-22631464    ˾϶ᖵ™࢝e1986ϋୋ11֣Ό਷ߕஔ               Awards in 1994, and a Third Class Prize at the 5th Folk Crafts Arts Awards in
                                      (O)04-22244820    ࢝ୋɧΤe1984ϋୋ11֣ၽ̹̏ߕ࢝               1996. His solo exhibitions have included “Modern Bamboo Arts,” held at the
                                      (M)0932-631464                                      National Palace Museum in 1988, and “Integrity and Virtues : Chen Ming-Tang’s
                                      400002 ၽʕឈʕਜ      ࠯ᆤʿ1983ϋୋ38֣Ό޲ߕ࢝઺ԃᝂ               Bamboo Sculpture” at the National Museum of History in 2007. He also served
                                      ʕʆ༩279໮           ᆤe2010-2011ϋၽᝄʈᖵᘩᒄෂ୕              on the jury of the traditional crafts category of 2010 and 2011 Taiwan Crafts
                                                        ʈᖵଡ଼൙ᄲf                            Competition.
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