Page 168 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 168

ʆ؍݆Ѝ  Spring in the Mountains and Forests  30Ò60Ò27cm  2024  ௗɺ  Potter's Clay

                                ؍⢨຃                  Ъۜಀίၽ̹̏ͭߕஔ᎜e਷ͭዝ                Lin, Shan-Ying
                                                     ̦௹ي᎜eᚱဂௗନ௹ي᎜eˢл                Ms. Lin's works have been exhibited at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, the
                                1951.06.09                                          National Museum of History, the New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum,
                                                                                    the City Hall in Belgium, and the Übersee-Museum Bremen. She has had
                                (H)04-24251612       ሗ࢝̈fࡈ࢝ί਷ʫ̮30ቱϣfЪ               more than 30 solo exhibitions in Taiwan and abroad, and her works are widely
                                (M)0919-039104       ۜᄿމʮ࢕ዚᗫʿӷɛᔛ࢕ϗᔛf                collected by public institutions and private collectors.
                                406045 ၽʕ̹̏ˊਜ

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