Page 56 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 56

อၠᙳ݆ତ Fresh Green Along with the Coming of Spring  83Ò76cm  2024

                                ˮ˸ڥ                 ତ΂ʕʆɽኪГᝄኪ৫ਖ਼΂઺બdอ                  Wang, Yi-Liang
                                                    πί˴່ᖵஔ༶ਗ௴̜ͭණɛd່ɽ                  Mr. Wang is currently a professor at Si Wan College of National Sun Yat-Sen
                                                    л਷ͭϷᚆ̺ཤזᖵஔ޼Ӻהଭุd                  University, and he was the founder of the Art Movement of New Being. He
                                                                                      graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan, Italy, and once
                                (O)07-5252000 #5851        ಀᐏ່ɽлتඤॶᖵஔږ೐ᆤၾၽᝄ
                                (M)0923-555165      ޲ʕጳ˖ᖵᆤᆤ௝dߕ਷;ɻ཭̹ڗ                  won a gold medal for his art at Bologna, Italy as well as the Taiwan Provincial
                                                                                      Zhong-Xing Literature and Arts Award. The City of Houston, Texas made him
                                807314 ৷ඪ̹ɧ͏ਜ       ཯࿲ᚑᖵஔ࢕̹͏ၾፋഛɽԴd;ɻ                  an honorary citizen and goodwill ambassador, and the Asian American Center
                                ܔ਷ɧ༩493໮11ᅽʘ1                                         of University of Houston presented him with the Art Contribution Award. He
                                                                                      has held more than 50 solo exhibitions in Europe and the United States.
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