P. 27

MASENO UNIVERSITY                                                            GENERAL INFORMATION

     PERSONAL  SAFETY          Fire Safety Preparedness  EMERGENCY                 PUBLIC TRANSPORT

     Maseno is a relatively safe town-  The  University  has  formulated   SERVICES  Long  distance  travel  tends  to  be
     ship for its size. However, as in any   Fire Safety Policy which provides   Fire,  Police,  ambulance,  dial  999   by  coach.  Coaches  are  general-
     other  town,  normal  precautions   a roadmap on matters relating to   or 112 and ask the operator for the   ly  cheaper  for  long  journeys  but
     regarding personal safety both on   fire safety. The salient features of   emergency  service  you  require.   tend  to  take  longer.  Tickets  are
     and off campus should be taken.   the policy include installation of fire   There is no charge for this service.  purchased from the ticket office in
     If  leaving  the  campus  after  dark,   detection  equipment,  fire  fighting   the station.  However, for shorter
     avoid poorly lit areas or areas that   equipments, signage of assembly        distances, you can use matatus or
     are not frequented by the public. If   points and escape route. In addi-  PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN   motorcycles
     you notice anything suspicious on   tion, members of staff have been          At Maseno, students are fortunate
     campus contact the security officer   trained  on fire  disaster prepared-  KENYA  enough  to  be  within  walking  dis-
     or  the  Security  guards  manning   ness.                                    tance of most of the amenities that
     various gates.            If a fire alarm sounds it is impera-  1. New Year- January 1st  they require.
                               tive that you comply fully with reg-  2. Labour Day- May 1st
                                                         3. Madaraka Day- June 1st
                               ulations, co-operate with staff and   4. Mashujaa Day- October 20th
                               evacuate the building immediately.   5. Jamhuri Day- December 12th
                               Do  not  re-enter  the  building  until   6. Christmas Day- December 25th
                               clearance has been given to do so.

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