P. 24

MASENO UNIVERSITY                                                            GENERAL INFORMATION

     ESTIMATED COST OF         the  overall  expenses  per  month.   SOCIAL ACTIVITIES  SPORT & RECREATION
     LIVING                    Please note these figures serve as   There  is  a  wide  variety  of  social   Sport and recreation have an im
                               a guide only.
     Students  can  access  information   itEm    Cost   activities to choose from both on   portant  place  in  the  lives  of  stu
     on  fees  for  the  academic  pro-  Accommodation Room   2,900 - 5,500  and off the campus. Students have   dents  at  Maseno  University.  The
     grammes at  Food            12,000  ample opportunity to combine a vi-  University  has  extensive  outdoor
                               Textbooks and Stationery   9,000  brant social life with an active com -  sports  facilities  as  well  as  indoor
     It can be difficult to work out how   (dependent upon course)   mitment to their studies.   facilities. The list of clubs is availa-
     much the cost of living is in a dif-                                         ble from the Director Students Af-
     ferent country. Cost of living may   Personal Expenses (Social   5,000  There  are  several  organization   fairs office and a list of sports from
     vary greatly according to lifestyle.   functions, Sport etc.)   formed  per  county  of  origin.  Stu-  the  games  department  in  Siriba
     What type and standard of accom-  Total per semester   26,500  dents can join the organization to   Campus.
     modation  suits  your  needs?  Will   OTHER ExPENSES:  create  a  link  with  other  students
     you  cook  for  yourself  or  will  you   Transport   5,000  from their areas.
     eat  in  campus  restaurants?  How                                           CHAPLAINCY
     much  will  you  need  to  spend  on
     course textbooks and equipment?                                              The  Chaplaincy  at  Maseno  Uni-
     How much will you spend on lei-                                              versity is ecumenical, representing
     sure activities? Do you have trans-                                          the Protestants, Catholic, Seventh
     port costs? It is best to work out                                           Day  Adventist,  and  Muslims.  It
     what  your  estimated  income  and                                           provides opportunities for spiritual
     expenditure  will  be  and  budget                                           nourishment,  for  faith  develop-
     accordingly.                                                                 ment, for volunteering and practi-
     The following approximate figures                                             cal engagement in issues of social
     (in Ksh.) serve as an indication of                                          justice.

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